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So as you know, Cassie committed suicide.

The theme of this story is that there are not always happy endings in life. This is what happens in reality. There are no happy endings unless you make them for yourself. You simply cannot ask someone to save you. You can't just simply think that someone is going to swoop down to save you. Because they're not. No one is going to save you but yourself. It may seem harsh, but it's reality. You aren't going to get a princess or a prince charming to save you. No matter how much you try to deny it, it will never happen. Life isn't a fairytale, and you won't get a fairy godmother to fix you up. Just do what the fuck you want. It's not someone's fault if you choose to stay sad, depressed, anxious, etc. You are the one that chooses to stay this way. If you want to recover, change your state of mind. It's hard, but think about positive things instead of negative. The only person you can blame for feeling like shit is yourself. If someone hurts you, its their mistake. But YOU are the one that chooses to stay in the past instead of getting over it. So don't complain to others about it. Yeah, it's good to have someone to talk to, but don't throw everything at them. They are dealing with shit, too. Everyone needs to step back and take a reality check. So yeah don't get pissed at me for saying this, because we all know it's true......

Also you can read my other books:

-Just Friends (Calum Hood AU)

-Internet Friends (Michael Clifford AU)

(More on the way)

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