Chapter 9: Rodney'S POV

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After school ends, I head out the building to my car. While walking across the courtyard, I see Jordan and another girl walking together. As I approach, Jordan smiles at me while the other girl looks between us.

"Hey handsome. This is my sister Jaya. Jaya this is Rodney." she introduces before giving me a hug.

"Hi Jaya. It's nice to meet you. By the way, you have an amazing sister." I tell her.

"Nice to meet you too Rodney, and yes, she is pretty amazing." she says nudging Jordan in the side. I hear a horn and look up to see their mom waiting on them.

"We better go" Jordan says sadly.

"I'll follow" I say making her smile. "I still have to get your mothers permission."

As we approach their moms car, an idea pops into my head. As they both get in the car, I greet their mom.
"Good afternoon Mrs..." I pause not knowing her name.

"Thompson" she offers simply.

"Mrs. Thompson" I continue, "I was wondering if you and your family would like to come over for dinner tonight?" I ask her.

"It would be nice to get better acquainted with you so yes. Only if your mother says it is okay." she answers.

"I'm sure she will be happy to have you over." I say with a smile.

"Welll alright then. What time shall we come over?" she asks.

"6pm tonight would be perfect." I tell her.

"Alright, we will be there. See you then Rodney." she says as they pull off. As I approach my car, my brother looks the happiest I have ever seen him.

"What's got you so happy?" I question him.

He looks at me before responding, "that was her"

My eyes nearly bulge out my head at his answer. My best friends sister is my brothers crush. HOLY SHNITZLE!!

"Whoa dude. No way. That was Jordan's sister." I tell him enthusiastically.

He laughs before saying, "well well, a perfect match after all."

We laugh at his statement before getting in the car. Oh the irony. This is just too funny.

A few minutes later, we make it home. Mia comes and greets us as usual which brings a smile to both our faces.

"Hey bubbies!!" she squeals excitedly.

"Hi princess. How was your day?" I ask her.

"It was gweat!" she exclaims causing me and Kingston to laugh.

"Guess what?" I ask excitedly as we walk into the house.

"What bubby?" she asks as her face lights up.

"Jordan's coming over today" I say as a smile crosses my face.

"Weally? Jojo's coming?" she yells excitedly.

"Yep and her family too." I say

Mia jumps from my arms screaming, "MOMMY MOMMY, JOJO'S COMING!!"

I laugh at her as Kingston goes to shower. A few seconds later, my mom comes to give me a hug.

"Hey hon. I heard that Jordan and her family are coming over tonight." she smiles.

"Yes ma'am they are. Is that okay?" I ask her.

"Of course it is!" she exclaims. "What time will they be here?" she questions.

"6pm" I answer. My mom looks at her watch and jumps up.

"Oh my. I better start preparing everything. Sweetie go get cleaned up. I can handle this." she exclaims before running into the kitchen. Laughing, I follow her into the kitchen before kissing her cheek and saying, "yes ma'am." With that, I race up the stairs to prepare for tonight.

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