Chapter 4: Rodney's POV

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I hop out of bed and quickly turn my alarm off. I can't wait to see Jordan today. After a quick shower, I hurry and get dressed. I race down the stairs to see everybody eating breakfast. 

"Morning" I greet everyone.

"Morning Sweetie," my mom greets.

"Morning," Kingston replies.

"Morning Bubby," Mia greets making me smile. I pick her up and kiss her forehead making her giggle.

"So are you ready to go?" I ask kingston while grabbing a croissant. 

"Sure, Let's roll" he answers.

"Bye Mom!" we say simultaneously.

"Bye darlings" we hear her say as we head out.

"So what's the rush?' Kingston asks with a smirk.

I glare daggers at him before saying, "shut up Kingston"

He laughs as we get in the car, and as we pull off, I can't help the small smile that spreads across my face. 

A  few minutes later, we are at the school. I park my car and then we head to the cafeteria. I quickly look around the sea of faces to find Jordan. I don't see her but I see John. I approach him to ask where she is.

"Why should I tell you?" he spits angrily.

'wow....jealous much' I think.

"Dude, you're mad for no reason first off, and second she is my friend." I state matter-of-factly.

He rolls his eyes  before responding, "whatever man, she's in the library."

"Thanks" I reply before heading down the hall. Once I get there, I spot her sitting at the farthest table reading a book. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She squeals in surprise and I quietly laugh at her.

"That is soo not funny" she exclaims while smacking my arm.

"Then why am I laughing" I retort as I grab her hands in mine. I feel someone's eyes piercing a hole on the side of my head and turn to see John. He looks completely jealous but quickly covers it when I look at him.

He walks over and sits on the other side of Jordan, obviously making her uncomfortable.

"Hey Jordan"he says while moving closer to her.

"um...hi?" she replies wearily.

"So wha-"

"Dude, leave her alone." I say interrupting him, "It's obvious she doesn't want you anymore."

She gasps and glares at me before turning to a pissed off John.

"Um,  John look, I said we could be friends and that's what I meant. JUST friends. If you can't accept that, then please don't ever speak to me again." She tells him.

I can't help but smile at this beautiful woman. As the bell rings to begin our day, John walks away without a word. 'Finally!' I think. 

As I turn around, I see Jordan waiting patiently with her hand extended. Smiling, I intertwine our fingers as I take her hand in mine. While walking to our homerooms, all I can think about is having this beautiful woman beside me forever.

Junior YearHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin