Chapter 3: Rodney's POV

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'Finally! This day is over,' I think as I walk out the building to my car. I see Jordan walking across the courtyard and internally growl. She is just too dang beautiful. Walking a little quicker, I call out her name to get her attention. 


She turns at the sound of her name and smiles when she sees me. When I get there, she hugs me but pulls away too quickly for my liking.

"Hey Rodney," she starts, "how was your day?"

"It was great I guess" I shrug before smiling mischievously and adding, " but having you as a new friend made it so much better."

She laughed which sent a melodic sound to my ear causing me to smile. Calming down, she says, "That's great Rodney, but I have to go. My mom is waiting."

I tell her bye and watch her walk away. 'I just met this girl and I'm already crazy about her.' I think. Smiling to myself, I turn and walk to my car. My Brother, Kingston, is waiting on me. Once in the car, he began to question me.

"What's wrong with you?" he asks angrily.

Not understanding the question, I frown. "What do you mean?"

He huffs and then elaborates, "You don't fall for girls remember? You just get what you want and leave."

I roll my eyes and sigh knowing exactly what he meant.

"Bro, I hated doing that. I only slept with two of the five girls you set me up with." I tell him honestly.

Sighing, he apologizes, "Just forget it bro, I'm sorry." 

I smile and question, "Who's got you all soft?"

He glares daggers at me before replying, "She is just a girl i met."

I sigh again and ask, "Bro, what would you do if someone talked about our little sister like that?"

He instantly became angry and roared, "I'd beat em to a pulp!"

"Exactly" is all I say before I pull out of the school parking lot.

The ride home was silent. We were both too caught up in our thoughts, which left no room for talking. As we arrive home, Mia, our 2-year old little sister, greets us at my car. Getting out, I pick her up.

"Bubbies" she squeals as I lift her in my arms. 

Kingston and I laugh at her before replying, "Hi Princess!"

She giggles and quiets down as we walk into the house. Walking in, we are greeted by our beautiful mother.

"Hi boys" she greets from the Kitchen.

"Hi" we both respond with huge smiles.

"How was your first day?' she asked us as she came to hug us both.

"It was nice," Kingston smiles, obviously thinking of his mystery woman.

"It was fun" I answer when she looks at me. She smiles at each of us before returning to the stove.

"You boys go get cleaned up. It's great you guys are adjusting well." She says over her shoulder.

Walking away, Kingston heads for the shower, while I head to Mia's room. I put Mia in bed, who fell asleep on my shoulder and kissed her forehead. After showering and eating dinner, I lay in my bed thinking of the mysteriously beautiful Jordan.

She's so beautiful yet so strong.  The hidden strength I saw was obviously due to a lot of hurt. One day, I would like to know what caused her to become so strong. Thinking of her, I soon fell asleep to her beautiful smiling face.

Before I collasped into sleep, I murmured "See you soon, mi corosone." 

With that, I was fast asleep.

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