Followed by the loud crashing sound where a string of curse words that told him exactly what happened even though her words explained nothing but maybe a dimension in oblivion. He got up running down the stairs. Shadow was somehow up on top of a bookshelf in the dining room, Sage was looking very confused at her and on the table in the dining room was black cat. "It's just a stray cat?" Sage said and Shadow knew she was going to laugh so he covered her mouth before she could do so.

                "I'll get it" he said and glared at Sage before removing his hand and picking up the stray cat that proceeded to shred up the map on the table as he lifted it up. He huffed and walked outside and let the cat go. As he walked away he looked back making sure the cat hadn't followed him. Instead it was now sleeping on some homeless person.

                When he made it back in the house Shade was now back on her two feet on the ground in the dining room as Sage was just giving her a weird look. "Why is the fearless Shade Nox Afraid of-"her words cut short by Shadows hand again. Shadow glared at her once more "Unless you want to see the bad side to her, I suggest you shut up" Shadow whispered so only the vampire could hear. He removed his hand and looked to his sister who had folded her arms and was pacing. "How did it even get in?" She asked.

                Shadow looked around at the windows, they were all closed. "No idea"' he mumbled and scratched his head. Sage glanced at both Shade and Shadow with a look of disbelief. "Are we not going to talk about how you crammed yourself into a corner on top of a book shelf??" She asked and Shade stopped mid step. It was far too late for her now. Shadow silently started to back away to the door. Shade then turned on her heel glaring at Sage. "I, Protected myself from being cat food. I don't see how that's an issue" she growled at her. Shade's usual amber eyes were turning a very dark red now as her anger was now taking over. The last time this happened she burned half the city down. Sage held up her hands as if hostage to the small thief "Ok, I get it, you don't like cats, but how in oblivion is a small stray cat going to eat you? If anything you would skin it alive before it could move?" Sage suggested and Shadow stilled as Shade glared at him knowing he was trying to escape. The glare made him freeze and then she turned her attention back to Sage. "Do not question my methods of self preservation" she growled the words and Shadow was starting to think this would all blow over calmly without any limbs being broken.

                "Fine, I guess if your methods have kept you alive this far you must be doing something right... but a starved house cat?" she questioned once more and Shades fist came down against the table so suddenly the vampire and brother, flinched, jerking a few steps back as the table collapsed in two. "I SAID, DON'T QUESTION MY METHODS! AND WHAT DO YOU FUCKING DO?" she was shouting now and Shadow was trying his best to inch to the door. Next thing the two of them know was Shade flipping one of the two pieces of the table over to the side as she slowly approached Sage. She backed up so her back was now to the wall. Now was his chance, he turned sprinting to the door but before he even made half a step a dagger skimmed his nose as if flew right past his face and he jerked back tripping and falling on his ass. Two dagger now planting themselves through his clothing on either side of his pants. "I didn't say you could leave" she growled and he feared to look back now but he did.

                She still had Sage pinned to the wall the vampire actually looked afraid. But still the thoughts going through her head was of how turned on she was by the younger women. Shadow groaned heavily at those thoughts and images burning in his head. "Don't question me ever again" Shades cold and soft voice said directly to the vampire. Shadow thought they were actually going to kiss for a second but Shade turned away from her going to her brother still sitting on the floor. She held her hands open and the two daggers went flying into her hand. She then sighed raking her free hand through her hair, her eyes now there usual amber color. "Did you get those invitations yet?" Shade asked him as if nothing had just happened.

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