Ex Friend, ex boyfriend

Start from the beginning

Jake seemed fixed on finding Ginny as instantly he waved at Ginny. I gulped and all the guys eyes were on me. Hermione poked me and I looked at her. She motioned for me to follow but I looked back at Jake who seemed to walking this way. I gave Hermione a one second I wanted to see what he was up to.

Actually, what ever happened to Jake and Ginny? Making me curious. Ginny gave me a small smile but I avoided her graze, Jake walked way too close to Ginny for my tastes but I didn't protest. Yet.

"Ginny it's good to see you" Jakes voice in a deep voice.

"Jake!! It's good to see you" Ginny hugged him.

I looked over at Ryan and gave him a look of Now can I hit him!!

Ryan and Hermione are the only two who know about my situation with Jake. It was the worst fourth year ever. Hermione had comforted me and I had confessed that I had a crush on Ginny, she had comforted me over the years.

"What you doing here?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah what are you doing here" I asked with a bit of off tone. Jake noticed this and winked at me. Ginny shoved me lightly and gave me a deadly glare.

"Harry don't be so rude" Ginny gave me a look. I waved it off as I slid my arm protectively around her. Jake gave me a weird look and I smirked at him. Jerk.

"I'm here because my father had me transferred over here" Jake said.

"Isn't there other colleges" I mumbled but Jake heard this and gave me a glare. Ginny gave me a deadly glare this time and removed my arm around her.

I gave Ginny a hurt look but she waved it off, Hermione motioned me over the second time and reluctantly I followed ignoring the gaze of Jake Laker.

"Talk to me later" she whispered and I nodded.

"Come on Class! Mr Potter come on!!" The annoying voice of Mr Larkin came. Ugh. I didn't bother answering him I went in and let the test begin. Ginny sat beside Jake which angered me a bit but shoved it down so I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.


To say that test was impossible would be an understatement, Jake got off it as he was "new" what a load of bull. Emma had flirted with him which didn't surprise me, but he had paid no attention to her. All his attention went to Ginny and only her. He didn't pay any attention to Mr Larkin and he kept giving me an annoying smirk. He was up to something.

"Harry? Why aren't you eating?" Ryan asked. I was now sitting in Starbucks with Ryan, Pely, Draco, Emilie who kept giving me looks, Eva, Ethan, Jeff, Crystal, Nina, Hermione, Jason and Janet. Ginny went off with Jake. I had no say in that matter. She just left. Fuck that wannabe half Justin Beiber and Austin mahone.

"Missing Ginny" Ryan smirked and I glared at him. Fuck you Ryan!  I growled at him and he put his hands up defeated. He was pushing buttons that shouldn't be pressed. There was a noise of the door opening and in came the group I was not pleased to see. Blake and his new associates and there girls.

"Well Potter isn't this nice ? You and your ickle gang" he winked and I was not in the mood for his crap.

Blake walked to a row of seats that were empty and his crew sat down. Andi walked in looking tired and greeted all of us.

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