"Eat some pizza, it's pretty good." Taehyung suddenly told me.

Goddamnit, I'm arguing for you and the only thing you can say is "eat some pizza"?

I shot him a glare and turned back to Jay.

"Look, I don't care whether you accept it or not, I'm the only one involved with him. Come, Taehyung." I dragged him toward my room.

We were on the stairs when Jay stopped us.

"Where do you think you're going? No way he's going in your room. Take him to the guest room." Jay told me while looking away.

I stopped and looked at him. I THINK I CAUGHT A GLIMPSE OF BLUSH.

"Yes sir!" I playfully exclaimed while eye smiling.

Jay sighed and went back to the living room, getting himself some pizza.


I just finished touring Taehyung around our house.

"Do you want me to help with your injuries? Wait I'll bring the first aid-" I asked when I accompanied him back to his room.

"No, it's fine. I'll do it myself." Taehyung told me with a small smile.

"Oh then okay.. Well if you need something just ask me, I'm next room." I said before walking out.

"Thanks a lot, Minhee."

"Call me Minnie:)"

As soon as I walked out of Taehyung's room, I spotted Jay in his own room, playing on the PS4 I bought him as a birthday gift.

I didn't even bother to knock and just barged in.

"Ayo GG!"

"/sigh/ Can you please not?" Jay responded to my typical kpop fangirl behavior.

"Can I play?;3"

"No." he said stoically.

"Ugh fine, I'll go play on my XBOX."

"We all know PS4 is better than XBOX ONE."

And I felt it coming. Everytime we talk about gaming consoles, we have this endless and pointless argument between PS4 and XBOX ONE.

"Hey by the way, why did the pizza took so long?" I asked him, trying not to start with the argument.

Surprisingly enough, since Jay never stops during his games, the latter paused his game and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"You gave them the wrong address."

Welp. I always knew I was kinda stupid but not to that point.

I smiled sheepishly, mumbled a 'sorry about that' and walked out.

"Pabo." I heard Jay say when I got back to my room, which was across from his.


After I've showered, I walked back to my room, all fresh and clean.

Before going to sleep, I went to my piano and played for a while, like usual.

I've never learned piano before, except for learning the basics with a friend but playing piano is the thing I loved to do the most.

I'm currently learning Chopin's Fantaisie Impromptu and since I'm a self-taught pianist, the struggles are real.

I practiced till my fingers were starting to hurt and when I stopped to stretch, I saw Taehyung standing at my door, peeking in.

He looked kinda flustered when our eyes met, but quickly shoved it off.

"Can I come in?" he asked.


Taehyung walked toward me and I made some place for him to sit next to me on the piano stool.

"Do you know how to play?" I asked him.

"Yeah, a bit." he said and placed his fingers on the keys, starting to play.

I immediately recognized the piece. Chopin's Waltz op. 64 no. 2 in C# minor.

While he was playing, I couldn't help but stare at him. He looked so calm, so professional, I caught myself blushing.

'What the fuck, Choi Minhee, why are you even blushing?'

When Taehyung was done, I was so amazed that the only thing I could say was:

"Damn, Tae.."

"Ehehe.. it's been a longtime since I've played, though."

Yeah, my ass, it sounded like you practiced yesterday..

I smiled and we continued to played for a while. He gave me some tips and taught me some easy songs.

After some time, I started to yawn. Although I tried to do it subtly since I was enjoying this moment.

"Oh, it's already 11:30PM.. I should go back to my room.."

"Huh? But-"

"Goodnight Minnie:)" he cut me off.

When Tae went out of my room, I couldn't help but squeal.


Kim Taehyung, we need to be friends.


Ayo! How's it going? It's cold here in Canada.-. I just wanna stay in my bed and watch anime all day. BUT I HAVE SCHOOL TMR D;

Anyway, second chapter! How do you guys find the story so far?

Do I have some things I need to change or improve? Don't hesitate to comment to let me know!

Once again, don't forget to vote, comment and share, it'll mean a lot:)

Author-nim who's signing off to enjoy the last moments of the weekend >.>


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