betrayed again

42 4 0

We walked up into the bus and sat around the island. Ashley went up to the cubard and pulled out some jack daniels, vodka, and other whiskeys.

 "ok who wants what." jinx said lineing up the cups. Ashley leaned over.

"some of all." he says pushing his signature sunglasses up. I look at him and raise my eyebrows. he shrugs and takes the cup from jinx.

I raise my hand "jack with a bit of vodka." jinx raised a brow, and nodded. he poured me my drink with skill. he looked and midnight and she shock her head and got up. she walked over to the fridge and pulled out a pink bottle.

"i should have known u had gotten ur hands on some frilly crap." she put her hand on her heart, and pretended to be offended.  as midnight went to the main living space, I noticed andy was no were to be seen. I downed the rest of my drink and stood from the table. I peer into the main living space, no andy. I sigh and decide I didn't see him come in. so I walked to the door and quietly opened it and slipped out. I walked towards the back of the bus. as I was about to turn around the corner I heard him.

"NO, u listen to me. she means nothing. I could careless about storm, or her friend. you have nothing to worry about," he growled " I promise u are all I care about. not her, not her friend, just u." I balled my fists, tears stung my eyes. I straightened myself and wiped my eyes. I turn on my heel and walk at a brisk pace towards the bus opening.  I walk up inside not stopping for and weird looks. I walk past midnight, as I did she spit out her drink and shot from her seat.

  "oh shit, who pissed her off," midnight yelled. " because who ever it is has never felt the amount of pain u are about to endure." midnight ran after me. I went to my bunk and whipped out my suitcase.

"what are u do..." she started to say.

"pack ur things, we are leaving. we have out stayed our welcome." I growled as I threw my stuuf into my bag.

"no." she said stubbornly.

"fine, but I'm still leaving," I stated " have fun. have a nice life."  midnight gasped. she gave me a Angery stare. I shrugged and shut my suit case. I latched it and lifted it, the letting it fall to my thigh.

"oh btw tell and I said fuck u too." I growled. midnight widened her eyes. she walked out of the room as finished cleaning my space.

"ANDREW." midnight screamed at the top of her lungs. as I walked out of the bunks, I saw the rest of the guys with faces as white as snow. all standing completely still. midnight stood in the center of the room. purple flames that matched her hair, surrounded her. she had her hands crossed. I hid so I was just out of eyesight.

"hey. some one call me?" andy said entering the bus.

"get ur mortal ass in here now." she hissed. he walked in and scanned to room. he gave midnight a curious look.

"what did I do now." he sighed.

"what did u say too storm." she demanded.

" I did say anything." he said defensively

" bull shit, she went out side to talk too u, and she came in overly pissed. now she is leaving. And if she leaves I'm holding you responsible. "she yelled , balling her fists. jake stood there spraying everything that gets set on fire.

"wait she came outside while I was on the phone?" he said as he sits down on the couch and held his head in his hands.

" yes." she said

"shit." he cursed. it became silent, midnight cooled down and sat on the opposite couch. I stand and head for the side door which is between the bunks and were he is. pull up my hood, because it had started to rain. as I opened the door about to step out someone grabbed my arm. andy. he towered over me.

"storm... please don't leave." he said in a hushed voice. I glared at him and turned. I had, had it.

" don't even go there, I know u hate me and midnight. and now that is painfully clear. you were my friend. a good one. I saved you instead of beating that guy, who I guess u decided to let go. but what ever, the point is don't pretend to care. just know u are the reason I'm leaving. and if u try to stop me , you WILL end up on your ass if not in the hospital. so leave me alone. now let me go." I said. his eyes the size of saucers, he took a step back and I stepped out the door into the pouring rain. I gave one look back before I used my vamp speed to shot off to the nearest bus station.


   I stand.

"nice job jackass." I say sarcastically

' I tried" he whispered.

"well clearly not enough" I retorted " and ,ik,her she wont be coming back."

I sigh and sit on the couch. 

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