Wrapped around my heart like Ivy (SS)

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Another short story! (Romance)


Beep, Beep, Beep

My alarm clock went off sending it's annoying sound ripping through my eardrums. I reached out my hand and hit it, making it stop. I pulled myself out of bed and stood up, stretching my aching body. I groggily made my way into my walk-in bathroom and looked in the mirror.

I looked awful, completely and utterly gross. My hair was tangled from a sleepless night and my eyes were puffy and swollen from crying my heart out. One of the most important people in my life died yesterday,

my mother.

She was driving home from her late shift at work and a drunk driver hit her head-on, causing her to die instantly. I believe a chunk of me died too. I can clearly remember every detail of yesterday and I know I always will. The look on my fathers face when a police officer showed up at our house and told him the news. He looked so lost, confused, and heart-broken, I didn't know what to do.

I made my way down the stairs after getting ready in a pair of black sweaatpants and a black shirt. I saw my father siting at the kitchen table with a cup of hot coffee looking extremely grave. When he saw me though his eyes softened and he tried smiling, but the pain was still obvious.

"Hey Sweetheart, I won't be home when you get home from school, I have some arrangements to make." He told me, I knew the arrangements were for my moms wake so I just nodded my head.

I grabbed a breakfast bar and headed out the door to walk to school since it was only a ten minute walk. The weather seemed to go with my mood as the sky was gray, threatening to spill its own tears. I kept my eyes on the ground and made it to school.

Once inside I weaved my way through the crowd of people and went to my locker. I threw my lunch inside and shut it. I started to walk when I bumped into someone slightly.

"Hey, watch it emo." The voice I knew all to well said to me. It was Alex, the boy who has picked on me since middle school for no reason. My mom always told me it was because he liked me. I felt tears start to flow down my face at the mere thought of her.

"It's rude to just stare at the ground when someones talking to you." He said and I obeyed.

I looked up at him, tears streaming down my pale face. He looked at me shocked, I knew why though. Usually when he makes fun of me I throw a comebacks back to him and never took him seriously. He must have thought he was the reason for the tears.

"What?" I said emotionlessly.

"I-uh--I umm." He stuttered. The bell rang before he could say anything else and I just walked past him to my class.

I could barely remember the classes I went to as I had zoned out in each. The last two, however, I was in Alex's class and he kept on looking at me with a emotion I couldn't place.


(Alex's point of view)

All through my classes I couldn't focus, all that played in my head was this morning with Ivy. Did I make her cry? Usually when I tease her she just gives it back to me, but she cried...

Seeing her tears flow down her beautiful porcelain face broke my heart. The last two classes we had I couldn't help but steal glances her way. She looked so lost and sad, I knew my comment couldn't have upset her that bad... right?

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