Afraid of the Dark (SS)

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This is a short story... (Vampire love story)






The only sound I could hear was my high heels hitting the pavement and my heart beating faster than the speed of light. It was extremely dark outside except for the streetlights and corner shops. Once in awhile there would be a silhouette of a person walking along the sidewalk on the other side of the road.

I was scared out of my mind, I was really afriad of the dark. I had just came back from a party, I never intended to stay until midnight,

but I did.

Now I was paying for my mistake. I kept glancing at alleyways, waiting for something to come out and attack me. I'm not really sure how I learned to be afraid of the dark. All I know is that it has been this way since I was a little girl.

As I got older though, the fear got worse and worse. I always felt like there was something waiting for me, just waiting for me to be alone, alone and vulnerable.

Like now.

With that in mind, I quickened my pace. My heart felt like it was going to explode from pounding this hard and fast. I kept my head down and was gripping tightly to the side of my black jacket. I should've gone home at 9:00, when people would be on the street and I wouldn't be so...alone.


The sound of something hitting into a metal trashcan caused my head to snap to the side. I looked into the ally to see the glint of a fallen over trashcan and a cat walking away from it. I let out a shaky breath.

"I swear this is just like a horror movie, now all that's left is the killer..." I joked under my breath, trying to calm my nerves.

"I guess that would be me then..." I heard a deep voice say from behind me. I slowly turned around to see a guy leaning against the brick wall of a building not two feet away from me. My breathing hitched itself in my throat. I couldn't make out any features because it was too dark. I slowly started to back away from him. 

"And where do you think you are going darling?" His smooth voice called to me as he pushed himself off the wall and started walking towards me.

"A-away from you." I said trying to sound brave, but failing. I heard him chuckle darkly.

"Oh no Sweetheart, your not getting away from me." He taunted. I let out a high-pitched scream and ran for my life.

I got about four blocks away and finally stopped running. My feet were killing me and I was out of breath. I looked around and saw him no where in sight. I let out a sigh and was about to continue running just incase, but my waist was grabbed and a hand clamped over my mouth. I got dragged backwards into the ally, screaming into his hand.

"There's no point in screaming, no one can hear you." He whispered to me. I shuddered at the sound of him so close. I heard him chuckle again. I felt his other hand move away from my waist, but he still held me by the hand covering my mouth. The next thing I know is a rag covered my mouth and everything faded to black.


My eyes shot open and I quickly looked around to see where I was. It was really dark in this room and I couldn't see much from the moonlight that was pouring into the room. The only thing I could see was the hard wood floor and the bed I was sitting up on.

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