You Are Perfect (SS)

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Short story! (Romance)


I watched her flick her long bottle-blonde hair as she laughed that fake laugh I knew a little too well for my liking. She laughed at whatever her boyfriend said and when I saw her boyfriend, I mean

MY best firend...

My love...

I have always loved my best friend Andy, he was simply perfect. The way his brown hair swept across his face and how his chocolate brown eyes always seemed to twinkle when he was happy. He was known as "emo" just like me. How he fell for that Barbie I would never know. I always pictured us ending up together...

but then she came into the picture.

She ruined everything. She hated me because I was close to him and every chance she had she would take him away from me. I don't even know why she cares, I know she doesn't like him, she's just trying to make her ex-boyfriend jealous.

Of course I didn't tell him that though, I wanted him to figure it out. I'm also pretty sure he wouldn't believe me so I'm letting things play out.

"Ready?" A melodic voice broke me from my thoughts. I turned and faced the man of my dreams.

"Yeah." I responded and we started to walk home.

We lived only a few houses down from each other so we always walked home together. There was no real talking going on, but it wasn't an awkward silence, we were both content in each others company.

"Hey, wanna come over?" He asked me, breaking the silence.

"Sure, just let me drop off my backpack." I replied happily. He just smiled and nodded his head. I watched him walk into his house and I ran to mine. I bolted up the stairs and dropped my bag on the floor.

I didn't even bother telling my parents I was leaving, they barely even noticed me anyway. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door. He opened the door and put on a confused face.

"Do I know you?" He mocked confused. I tried not to giggle.

"Hmmm, how about now?" I asked and put my right pointer finger above my upper lip, making a "mustache".

"Ahh yes! Now I remember you! Do come in young gentlemen." He said with a fake accent and stepped aside to let me in.

"Why thank you kind sir." I said in the same accent and walked through the door. I dropped my finger back to my side and looked at him.

"Upstairs?" He asked, but then headed upstairs anyway with me in pursuit.

When we reached his room I booked it past him and jumped on his bed, spreading out my body so he had no place to sit.

"No fair!" He pouted. He looked so cute... I sighed and moved so he could sit down. He just grinned and I smiled and shook my head.

We spent the next few hours playing video games. I looked at the clock and read 7:00PM, time for me to go.

"Got to go, bye!!" I said while getting up.

"Wait! I need to talk to you first." He said and I spun to face him.

For the first time he looked serious and almost nervous.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

"I was thinking of going steady with Merissa... What do you think?" He looked into my eyes and I couldn't understand the emotion in his.

A Collection of One-shots and Short Storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें