Usually, kids hated when old people pinched their cheeks and gushed over them.

But Harper was reveling in the way she was being praised and her mother watched on proudly with a huge smile. "You look just like your mommy, too."

Camila looked at her grandmother, surprised. "Really? I always thought she looked like Lauren."

Mercedes paused and looked at her curiously. "Lauren?"

Camila realized her mistake and she hesitated before slowly nodding as she and the rest of her family, being Sinu and Ally, held their breath. "Uhm, yeah. Lauren. Don't you think?"

Mercedes looked back at her great-granddaughter and studied her for a moment before she smiled. "I suppose you're right." Everyone let out a sigh of relief and smiled, grateful that she wasn't angry about Camila mentioning Lauren. They carried on with pleasant conversation as they waited for the turkey to finish cooking.

Hearing the doorbell ringing violently a while later, Camila put her daughter down in the recliner they were in, having been cuddling with her, she got up and walked to the door. Opening it, she regretted it right away.

In front of her stood a very, very, angry Kendall Jenner.

"Kendall?" Camila didn't even bother frowning. She scowled instantly. "What do you want?"

"You little bitch." Kendall sneered, walking in and pushing her back, causing Camila to stumble back in her heels in shock, as if she weren't having trouble standing in them before. "You think you're real special, don't you? You think you're perfect for having Lauren back? You actually think she didn't cheat on you?!" She shoved her again, this time pushing her into the staircase wall.

Camila stared at her in complete frigid shock as she stood against the wall. For a minute, she was frozen and didn't know what to think. But then she felt extreme anger engulf her and she pushed Kendall back with a big shove, getting in her face.

"Listen you little nut. Lauren did not cheat on me. I know Lauren more then you ever will." Camila hissed lowly, poking her in the chest and raising her voice with each word she spoke.

"I really would appreciate it if you would stop butting into my life with her. Like it or not, I will be with her as long as she wants me because we have a daughter together! So please--" before she could finish her sentence, Kendall slapped her across the face - hard - in front of her mother, sister, grandmother and daughter, who had come out to see what was going on.

As soon as he caught sight of the brunette towering over her sister, Ally quickly texted Lauren to get over there quickly.

Meanwhile, Sinu quickly picked up the frightened Harper, allowing her to bury her face into her neck, hugging her tightly as she shook in her arms.

"You are the biggest slut I have ever seen." Kendall raised her voice angrily. "Who the fuck has a baby at 13?!" She laughed evilly and placed her hands on her hips, obviously not giving a damn that she just cursed in front of a child. "You're a whore and a slut and I wouldn't be surprised if you were pregnant right now. Just look at what you're wearing."

Kendall reached out and ripped off a part of the brunettes short black dress, grinning triumphantly when it came off in her hand. "A flimsy little black dress that barely covers your tits or anything south of the border. I'm actually not surprised you got pregnant at 13."

Camila stared at her stunned, then looked down at her ripped dress. Kendall had ripped off a layer of the bottom. Before she could do anything to reciprocate, the doorbell rang again and Ally immediately opened it, allowing Lauren to quickly storm in, looking absolutely gorgeous in her navy cashmere sweater and skinny black ripped jeans with dark grey heels. Behind her, Dinah and Normani ran in, having drove him there. They had been at the store getting a few forgotten items for their mothers, (they were having dinner with the Jaureguis as per tradition) when Ally texted Lauren to come to the house ASAP.

If Camila wasn't frozen in stunned silence she would have been swooning. But she was and she couldn't concentrate on anything but thinking to herself, what is going on.

"Kendall what the hell are you doing here?!" Lauren quickly jumped into the situation at hand by squeezing in between the two girls.

"I'm here to get this slut off your back!" Kendall yelled, shoving her back a few feet.

Lauren stared at her in surprise then became angry. "Wait, what?! First of all, she's not a slut. She's my girlfriend. She's the mother of my child and she's my everything. So shut your mouth, and realize that I am not with you anymore and I don't love you. Hell, I never loved you!" She yelled as everyone watched in silence.

"Oh, really?! It sure felt like you did when we slept together last month!" Kendall screeched and as soon as the high pitched sound came from her throat, another filled the house. The fire alarm.

If the situation hadn't been dire, Dinah would have joked that Kendall's scream was so loud it set the alarm off. Sinu gasped in shock and put Harper down before running to the open kitchen where the turkey was currently burning in the oven.

The screaming continued as the fire went off in the background. Harper watched the fight in tears before she ran into the living room and sat in the corner, hugging her knees and crying to herself, naturally only wanting her mother.

Why does everything have to be so difficult? Camila thought to herself as she watched the burning turkey in the oven while her mother tried in vain to put the fire out and everyone around her kept screaming at each other.

"Mommmmyyyyy!" She heard a loud cry and her mommy instincts kicked in and she quickly turned and rushed over to her baby girl, who was curled up in the corner of the living room crying. She picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"I'm here baby. I'm here. Don't cry." Camila tried her best to soothe the crying toddler in her arms while everyone kept yelling. And to think she thought everything would turn out perfect.


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