"Oww.What the fuck!"the boy bellowed in pain.

"You deserved it.You scumbag" I shouted with more intensity than his.

"What? Are you crazy?"he shouted disbelievingly.

"Don't you dare think of touching..

"KEMP...asshole it was really you." Linn interrupted and lunged towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Ouch" he winced after a moment when Linn's cheek met his.

"Oh sorry"Linn said looking at him.

"You know him" I asked with utter embarrassment.

"Yeah.By the way.Let me introduce you two." Linn said trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey! I am extremely sorry. I thought you were druken brat trying to you know." I interrupted awkwardly not knowing what to say.

He waved his hand and said "Yeah.Fine.I was just trying to surprise her."

"Evy this is Kemp Peterson and Kemp meet Evelyn Rosenfeld Adam " Linn said exchanging her hands one after another.

"Nice to meet you" I said more awkwardly than before.

"Nice to meet your punch" Kemp replied jokingly.

That made Linn laugh.Only Linn.

"Carry on.I will make a call and come." I said and left the old buddies.

I found the call in hold till now.

Oh fish!Mom can't have heard everything.Can she?

"Hello.Mom" I said uncertainly.

"Is everything fine? Where are you?" mom questioned worriedly.

"Umm..We are in ice-cream parlor mom.Kids here are making noise"I said.

"And where do you find ice-cream parlor and kids at eleven'o'clock at night" Mom replied sharply.

"Uh..that here's a new family restaurant that own ice-cream parlor. They opened it on everyone's request" I said trying hopelessly to link the story.

"Fine.I trust you"Mom said.

"But what took you so long?"mom added.

"I went to choose flavor" I replied curtly not wanting to lie anymore.

Not giving her time to reply I said "Mom enjoy your trip okay.Don't worry about us. We can handle.Enjoy your trip.Go to sleep now.You must be tired after shopping whole long day"

"You know sometimes you talk like a mature young woman.Good night sweatheart.Don't eat much junk on our absence okay?" Mom said.

"I am not a baby mom.I am your mature young woman.Good night."I said and hung up.

I went back towards the bar to see druken Linn.She was taking tequila shots with Kemp.

"Linn stop now.Enough"I shouted in the noise resisting her from taking another shot.

"Oh Evy, the drummy, my bestie, my sweetie, come come lets enjoy" dragging me towards dance floor.

"Let's go home." I whispered in her ear .

"No no no" Linn shouted.

Kemp came and joined us. But he was conscious.

"Don't worry Linn will come to her sense after dancing in couple of songs.I know her very well" Kemp assured me.

"I am watching you from the bar.Protect her okay." I said.

"Yes boss.I know how hard you hit" Kemp said little chuckling.

I asked for a coke to the bartender.He gave me the coke not before giving me are you serious kind of look.

Leaning towards the bar I watched Linn and Kemp dancing.Linn looked so happy.That made me smile.

I don't know why I feel like somone is staring at me.Taking a huge sip of coke.I turned slightly to meet blue scruntinizing eyes which made me hurl all the coke on his face.

"Yuk"he said opening his eyes.Disgust evident in his eyes.

"Thats what happens when you startle someone." I said sharply.

"Acting rude huh? Don't you think I deserve an apology..he stopped when I started to laugh.

"Go and wash your face you look like the ugly duckling out of mud" I managed to say between my laughs.

He sighed in frustation and said
"I will be back to take my apology. Stay here."I rolled my eyes at his statement.

HA! As if I will wait here to apologize. I went towards the dancing area.People were already sweaty and drunk.I found them still dancing.

"Linn let's go.We are late." I said near to Linn's ear.

"But I want to dance" Linn said making puppy face.

Oh I didn't know my best friend was cute.

"But I want to go " I said stressing on 'GO'.

"My Evy wants to go I go toooo " Linn squealed.

Thank God!

"I will drop you two." Kemp said.

"It's okay.Linn's car is waiting for us downstairs." I assured him.

"But can you help me take her to parking area" I added.

"Yeah sure." he said.

Linn was squealing my evy wants to go i go toooo all the way down.

"Thanks.And sorry for the punch"I said after getting Linn into the car.

"Its alright.You care about Linn. I understand." Kemp said.

I waved a goodbye to him and drove the car away.

By the way..

I am not GOOD at driving.


Linn entered the kitchen pressing her head with both hands.

I handed her lemonade which she eagerly took a huge sip of.

"You are funny when you are drunk" I commented remembering how she squealed my evy wants to go i go tooo.

I have recorded it.Yay!

"How did we get here?" Linn asked diverting the topic .

"What do you mean?I drove the car "I said proudly.

"Oh shit! My Audi" Linn ran out of the room to see her Audi leaving the lemonade which I 'Evelyn Rosenfeld Adam' made for her.

I am never going to tell her that I took two hours for twenty minutes way only for the sake of her Audi. Imagine how slow I was driving. There was a moment when I almost slept while driving.

Linn reentered with shocked expression.Linn was about to say something.

But I interrupted"I will not explain further.Thanks!"

After finishing a large bucket of chocolate chip ice cream , we jumped off from the bed we were in for last three hours watching FRIENDS to get ready to go back to home sweet home.


Long chapter :) Yayy!
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