Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Okay, Zayn. Today is all about learning more about your mental state and I'd also like to evaluate how the medication I put you on has been working." Doctor Peterson drawled in a monotone voice.

It had been several months since Zayn had first visited the psychiatrist at Niall's request. Speaking with Doctor Peterson had helped him tangibly, but in all honesty, Niall was the reason Zayn was getting better. No amount of counseling could help him like his boyfriend did.

As per usual, Zayn lay on the big tan couch facing Doctor Peterson while Niall sat beside the arm in a chair he had dragged from the waiting room. It had been quite a struggle to get the doctor to allow Niall in the room for each session initially, but after awhile, even she had been able to see the unbreakable bond the two shared that wove them into almost one being.

"Just breathe, Zayn," Niall whispered into his ear while stroking the flattened black strands of hair pressed to his boyfriend's forehead. He knew Zayn hated talking about his mental health; it made him feel less sane, as if he wasn't normal.

Zayn nodded and took a deep breath before signaling to Doctor Peterson that he was ready for her questions.

"So, Zayn. Let's start with talking about your medications. Have you been taking the antidepressant every day?"

The boy being addressed rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Made sure of it," Niall stage-whispered to the psychiatrist. He squeezed his boyfriend's hand playfully, eliciting a small chuckle and a swat to the head.

"And how do you feel after taking the pills?" Doctor Peterson droned, completely ignoring the gushing of the lovey-dovey couple she'd become so accustomed to.

"Fine, no different than normal, I suppose. I really don't see why I need to take the damn pills. All I need to be happy is my Nialler," he said before pressing a kiss to the pale knuckles clutched firmly in his own hand.

"Awww, Zaynie!" Niall blushed.

"Mr. Horan!" Dr. Peterson snapped. "You know the rules. Please refrain from speaking when it's Zayn's turn."

Niall nodded sheepishly and turned his focus to rubbing soothing circles on his boyfriend's hand.

Not long into their sessions, the kind doctor had figured out that "Kyle" was actually none other than world-famous member of One Direction, Niall Horan. She was just past the age that made his face instantly recognisable, but with all the magazine covers displaying his face like wanted posters, she was bound to find out sometime. Apparently the disguises hasn't worked as well as the boys had hoped, but luckily, it had all turned out fine. Doctor Peterson had informed them of the confidentiality rules she was bound by, meaning she was not able to discuss any of her patients-- or their boyfriends, as it turned out-- outside her office. In short, their secret was safe with her. She didn't, of course, know the details surrounding their relationship or anything of the sort, but luckily, she didn't ask. She was there for one purpose and one purpose only: to discover what went on in the mysterious mind of Zayn J. Malik.

"Right, so the medicine was completely experimental in your case, but if you firmly believe it to be unnecessary, I'll give you the go-ahead to see how you fare without it. If nothing changes, you can forget you ever had prescriptions. If your mood suddenly worsens or your fits of rage return, you're back on the pills. Do we have a deal, Zayn?" the therapist asked.

The boy being questioned nodded vigourously.

"Niall, keep an eye on him, will you? I'll expect a full report from you in a weeks' time about your boyfriend's condition, understood?"

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