Chapter 2

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[ A/N: This chapter is dedicated to the beautiful @kateyramasllama because of her amazing comments on this book so far. Thank you thank you THANK YOU! You make me want to I did! Pretty quick I think :) anyway go fan her because she's amazing and you'll love her books! I love you and I hope you enjoy this chapter! ]

Chapter 2

Niall's heart was beating against his ribcage at an irregularly fast pace. Whatever was about to happen had him and Josh both panicked. Niall, because he couldn't see what Zayn was up to and was imagining the worse, and Josh, because he could see what Zayn was doing, and it obviously wasn't pleasant.

Niall's innocent blue eyes widened impossibly large as he felt Zayn's hot breath on the back of his neck. "Niall..." Josh breathed quietly, terror flashing in his eyes. Niall's breath hitched at Josh's tone of voice. He gulped and stiffened his body for the pain he knew would come at any second now.

"Calm, down, Blondie. I just wanna have some fun," Zayn purred in Niall's ear. He nibbled at the lobe, and had Niall not been so petrified with fear, it would've felt heavenly.

"Please," Niall pleaded in a shaky voice. "Just-just let us go. I swear, we won't tell a soul. If it's our money you're after, then fine. Take it. Just please, don't hurt us."

"I've got specific orders. Not one of you are to walk out of here alive or it's my neck on the chopping block. Boss made himself quite clear. No survivors," Zayn replied. He was still stood behind the blonde boy, only a few inches away. He looked at the shiny object that fit so comfortably in his palm. The blade had been a gift to him from the boss after he managed to get rid of one of the city's richest, most influential men, who had happened to be on Big Boss's trail. He hadn't been an easy Task, but Zayn had figured out that the man, Mr. Abbott, was a creature of habit. And that was the mistake that cost him his life. He had simply been too predictable. Zayn grinned masochistically as he remembered the businessman's shouts and pleas as he lay crying and bleeding in his formal black suit and tie on this same floor. Served the rich bastard right, as far as Zayn was concerned.

It was sort of ironic if he thought about it. The more powerful the person, the more gratification Zayn got from the yelps and pleas, and ultimately, the kill. He loved being the most dominant person in the room, the one with all the power. And his way of getting what he wanted was by showing his victims he owned them.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a low sob. The Irish kid was crying. Again. It really was too bad that Zayn would have to kill the boy. He quite liked his thick accent and those large pools of blue that were constantly glistening with tears. He'd be the last to go, Zayn decided.

Zayn flicked open the silver blade and ran his index finger along the sharp edge fondly. He nicked himself slightly on the razor-sharp surface and pulled his finger away, examining the small bead of crimson blood that had sprung to the surface. And that was all it took to drive him insane. Zayn was just like a shark when it came to blood. He yearned to see more--to feel more--of the sticky red liquid between his fingers. In one swift movement, Zayn had slashed the back of Niall's shirt, leaving his pale, muscular back exposed. Niall's sobbing got louder and the boy shook uncontrollably as his kidnapper used the tip of the blade to push aside the ruined remains of his t-shirt. The boy could now feel the cool edge of the knife pressing into the flawless flesh of his back.

Zayn dragged the chilly tip along the creamy white flesh, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. He didn't yet push hard enough to break the skin; instead, he traced random patterns, teasing the boy. Niall was still shaking like crazy. He swiveled his neck to face Zayn with those baby blue eyes of his. He looked absolutely heartbroken and terrified. "Why are you doing this?" he choked out as fresh tears spilled over his red rims.

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