Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Niall wasn't sure how he got here, but he did know that there was probably no getting out now that he was here. He had only just cracked open his heavy lids, but quickly squeezed them shut again after catching a small glimpse of the room before him. He should've kept his eyes closed.

Images of the blood-spattered concrete floor, chains slung carelessly from the ceiling, and the Polaroid pictures along the wall depicting dozens of smiling faces--all of whom Niall assumed to be long gone and disposed of--burned holes at the backs of the blonde boy's eyelids. He let out a low whimper.

So this was it. This was how Niall Horan was going to die.


He didn't remember falling asleep, but Niall was awoken to the sounds of heavy footsteps somewhere behind him. There was a loud crash followed by a mumbled string of curses. Niall flinched and kept his eyes closed, not willing to take in his surroundings a second time.

Suddenly, the Irish boy felt a rough hand under his chin and his head was yanked sideways, nearly giving him whiplash.

"I know you're awake, Blondie," his kidnapper spat at him.

Niall's eyelids fluttered open involuntarily. A dim light overhead had been switched on and he found himself face-to-face with a gorgeous raven-haired boy who looked not much older than Niall himself. Wait, gorgeous?! There is no way he should be thinking that about the man who just abducted him and Niall knew it. He blushed and pushed the thought to the back of his mind and trained his eyes back on the man before him. His black hair was styled into a stiff quiff without a strand out of place. He had brown eyes, nearly black like his hair. His skin was naturally tanned and at the moment, his plump red lips were pulled into a menacing smirk.

"I have a name, you know," Niall croaked out. He hated how his voice betrayed the fear inside him.

Zayn's dark eyes glinted in amusement. "Oh, I know, Blondie. I just prefer not to get...personal, with my Tasks."

"Tasks?" Niall questioned, his voice wavering only slightly this time.

"Mmmm," Zayn hummed in agreement.

His nonchalance was making Niall angry now. "What the fuck do you mean tasks?!" he shouted.

Zayn laughed at the boy bound before him. He loved provoking his victims. It meant he was getting under their skin and it made him feel powerful. He had always had the need to be Alpha. "Oh, you've got a mouth on you, eh Blondie? Well, you see...I don't kill just for fun, though it is a rush," he said smiling evilly. "No, I do this for a living. Big Boss, as I call him, tells me who the 'task' is, and this time, you and your friends were unfortunate enough to have a big, red target painted on your backs. You--"

"Friends?! No, no, no, NO! Not them too, oh please, god, no!" Niall screamed as Zayn's words sunk in. The boy began sobbing uncontrollably. His friends couldn't die too! What would become of One Direction? It would be over, all over, of course.

"Look, Blondie... I have nothing personal against you lads, but apparently Boss does. He said you four plus anyone else who got in the way had to go. No more One Direction. Those were the orders; I just carry them out."

"What have you done to them?" Niall whimpered through his tears.

Zayn didn't reply, instead pushing himself to a standing position and kicking away the overturned bucket he had been sitting on. It made a clattering sound as it tipped over and rolled slightly. Niall winced at the sound. It was like fingernails on a chalkboard.

"Would you like to see?" the criminal asked from right behind the blonde. Niall shivered at the closeness of his attacker and hesitantly nodded.

"Be right back; don't go anywhere," Zayn chuckled at his own joke. Niall didn't make an effort to respond. He sat on the dirty floor helplessly with his hands still chained above his head, immobilizing him. He hung his head and attempted to wipe the pathetic tears from his face onto the dirty fabric of his pale blue t-shirt hanging limply from his shoulders. He wouldn't give the killer the satisfaction of seeing his weakness.

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