His dimples still always make me smile as he laughs at Jimmy and Johnny wrestling. Jimmy again thinking he's a ninja.

My mom smiles and shakes her head as she eats her Doritos,but then it slowly disappears as she looks to the top of my head.

"You'll get through it Stephanie I know you will." She says and nod as I throw away the plastic spoon and cup that once held pudding in it.

"Tomorrow I see the doctor. He'll tell me whether or not I'll need to go into surgery." I say and I can feel a lump in my throat.

I really don't want to have this conversation right now,but I still continue to talk to my mom until I see Emma walk through the front door.

"EMMA!" I shout and she drops her purse and keys.

"STEPHANIE!" She shouts back and we run to each other and she jumps up wrapping her legs around my waist as we hug. Even though we just saw each other yesterday.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST FRIEND!" She shouts and jumps down and I smile.

"Damn and I thought I was crazy." Jimmy says and I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh trust me Jimbo you are. No ones ever gonna be crazier than you." I say and he laughs.

"Why thank you I take that as a compliment." He says and continues to act like a ninja and wrestle with Johnny.

My dad talks to Zacky,and me and Emma and my mom sit down on the couch,and I rest my head on Matt's shoulder.

We lace our fingers together,as I stare blankly at the floor,and he nudges me lightly.

"What's on your mind?" He whispers to me and I shrug.

"A lot." I reply and he nods,looking away.

"Oh I haven't given you your birthday bear hug!" Jimmy shouts when he's done pretending to be a ninja.

"Jimbo you give me and bear hug ever-" I start to say but I'm cut off by him pulling me off the couch and pulling me into a bear hug.

My spine feels as though it's going to snap in half and I feel air in my lungs escape me.

"Alright Jimmy I'd rather not die on my birthday." I say and he laughs setting me down.

"Yeah because even though your my best friend and brother I'd have to kill you." Matt says glaring at Jimmy and I blush as I catch my breath.

  We all just sit around watching Disney movies or listening to music while eating food,and I decide on Chinese food for my dinner.

  We all eat dinner as I almost choke from laughing as everyone cracks some jokes.

  "So when am I gonna have to give you away to Matthew." My dads says out of the blue,and this time I do choke on my food.

  "Jesus James your making her choke on her food." My mom says and lightly smacks my dad as Matt helps me.

  When I'm done and wipe away the tears in my eyes from choking,Matt scratches the back of his head and his cheeks turn a pinkish color.

  "I don't know dad." I say afraid to take a bite of my food again,so I just sip on my Pepsi.

  My dad just nods,and continues to eat his dinner,and the rest of the time we just eat in silence as everyone occasionally stares up at me.

Why Can't This Be Love (A7X/M Shadows Fan Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें