Chapter Nineteen

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Mystery Person's P.O.V.

An annoyed sigh left my lips as I adjusted the shoulder length brown wig I bought which would only help to disguise me better. I also put on a pair of glasses before glancing down at my scrubs to make sure nothing was amiss. With another irritated sigh I head for the employee entrance to the Richardson Memorial Hospital swiping the pass that Michael gave me to get in. A senior nurse was waiting for me in the main staff room with the foolish belief that I was a premed-student. She smiles ushering me over and I comply meekly.

"You must be Hannah Stone." She says softly and I nod looking down bashfully.

"Yes Ma'am, I'm from Kenton Med-school and completing my final major project on the human psyche. One of your newest patients caught my attention and I thought it would be perfect for the paper." I say with a hint of innocent nervousness.

She nods her understanding gesturing for me to continue.

"I believe his name is Kai Luhan." I continue and a small look of pity flashes through her eyes before she frowns.

"I'm only permitted to give you the minimum knowledge about his case due to confidentiality issues." She replies and I agree listening to her recount utterly useless information.

When she's half way through her pager goes off and she smiles apologetically telling me to stay in the staff room and that she would be back shortly. As soon as she's out of sight a smirk tilts my lips as I look through some files in her cubicle with information on Kai along with his room number and a lot of mumbo-jumbo notes that I conclude means he has something similar to amnesia.

If he does...

My smirk widens as I quickly exit the staff room in search his room number...

"716." I whisper in giddy anticipation as I arrive and gently open the door relieved that he was the only one there.

He looked different somehow.

He seemed almost lost.

"Kai?" I ask and his usually guarded chocolate brown eyes regarded me with a curious frown.

"Key." He responds quietly and my own frown of confusion settles over my features.

"What?" I asked in return and a kind of fire seemed to light up his eyes.

"I would appreciate it if you called me Key." He explains and I nod in understanding giving him a small smile.

Well, well...the new Kai seems to have a backbone.

"I'm here to ask you a few questions." I say softly and he frowns again.

"Didn't Dr. Andrews ask me enough? I'm sure you'll get whatever answers you want from him." He says curtly.

This...I was not expecting.

I give him an apologetic smile while making up a lie on the spot.

"It's the hospitals protocol to go through the questionnaires at least twice to ensure the accuracy of prescribing the right treatment. you mind?" I say without hesitation and he looks down at his lap with a wary sigh.

"I guess I don't necessarily have a choice, do I? Ask away." He says monotonously.

"Do you remember why you're here?" I ask softly and he flinches slightly at the question refusing to look up as he answers.

"That's pretty much the only thing I can remember and even that is a little blurry. I'm guessing that I was pretty depressed or something so I...tried to end my life." He says quietly as he fiddles with the heavy bandages around his wrists.

War of Hearts (BoyxBoy) [Book 1: Unspeakable Series]Where stories live. Discover now