Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: So the picture up above shows Haylee (on the left) and Kayleen (on the right). I'm sorry if this chapter seems a little short but trust me when I say the next chapter will make up for that. There are also a few mentions of physical abuse in this chapter so...yeah. Other than that everything is awesome sauce. Enjoy ^.^ 😁😄😊⭐️


Theo's P.O.V.

Why is everyone turning against me?! Why can't they see? I can't believe that Kai was being such a jerk! He just exploded at me for no damn reason and...left. He walked away from our friendship as if it meant nothing. How could he do that?! I was so stupid to ever think he wouldn't leave. Everyone left me eventually...and he was no exception. He's my best friend...was my best friend and in the end it meant nothing.

He didn't want to be my friend.

He didn't want want me in his life.

He hates me.

Everyone does.

"What's not to hate?" I hiss to myself as I pelt a bottle of cologne across my room and it shatters into small jagged pieces against the wall.

"I'm apparently the worst fucking human of all time." I continue, swiping my arm across my dresser leaving more shattered bottles and spilt products to stain my floor.

But I don't need them.

I don't need anyone!

They would all ju_____.

My tantrum comes to a halt as my phone rings for the millionth time. I answer with a frustrated sigh about to give whoever it is a piece of my mind but their helpless sobbing stops me.

"T-Theo...o-oh...G-God..." The person sobs blearily able to form a coherent sentence and my heart sinks when I realize it's Kai's mother.

"What's wrong?" I ask feeling undeniable panic welling up inside me.

"I-It's K-Kai...h-he tried t-to...he's in the hospital." She gets out in a sobbing mess but it was all that it took for worry to consume me in full.

She tells me what hospital they're at and in all my panic I could only think of one person to take me there. I sprint to Alex's room banging on his door frantically.

"What the...?" He says groggily answering me as he takes in my unraveled state and immediate concern fills his features.

"I n-need your help...i-it's Kai." I say shakily and without another word he follows me into the beginning of hell.


Kayleen's P.O.V.

A few hours has passed since Kai went into surgery and things unfortunately weren't looking so good. Our parents seem to be blearily coping with it from mom's continuos wailing to dad's complete state of unresponsive shock. Lee is the only one who seems to still have some sense of calm but her constant fidgeting and downcast glances told me that something was bothering her as well.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask quietly and frown at how raspy my voice sounds.

"Nothing." She says too quickly as she shifts slightly in my arms.

"P-Please don't lie t-to me...n-not now." I say shakily and pray that I don't start sobbing again.

She looks at me with big brown pleading eyes before sighing and slipping a folded sheet of paper into my hand. She leans up to kiss my cheek before walking away and leaving me to read it.

War of Hearts (BoyxBoy) [Book 1: Unspeakable Series]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя