Chapter 20

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"Gabby," I hissed and she smiled. She flipped her fake blonde hair and popped her hip as I said her name. I was not a violent person, but I so wanted to punch her face right now.

"Oh! She speaks! Nathan-boo, what are you doing with her?"

"None of your business. Now leave before I do something I will probably not regret." She ignored his threat and looked me up and down before rolling her eyes.

"So you think that just because you can dress up means you are not a slut? That still makes you a slut slut so get that in your little brain."

"Don't you have a pimple to pop or something?" I suggested, knowing it would work. I knew that if I said something else, she would just turn it around and I would end up doing something about it. My plan worked as she gasped and covered her face.


Nathan laughed quietly as I tried to lie with a smooth face. "Ugh..... I think it's growing in the middle of your forehead. Oh! Do you see that one Nathan?"

"Yeah.... What's that on your chin?" He gasped and she screamed. Her heels clacking as she ran to the nearest bathroom and we both laughed at the sight.

"Oh that was funny. Let's go get this signed. Fake boobs just made me miss my deadline," I pouted and he rolled his eyes but laughed even more.

I was right. As soon as Mr. Zee saw the sheet, he gasped and didn't look at it twice before signing it and shoved us out the door. "I have so much work to do now! You won't regret it Claire! I promise you!" we heard him scream as the door closed. We laughed and not even three minutes later, I plopped the paper in front of the woman.

"Easy as pie. So I don't have to go to Gym now?"

"Yes dear," she laughed. "You don't have to go to gym."

I jumped up and down and hugged Nathan for a short second before running out the building to scream.

"Dang. I've never seen you this excited," Nathan laughed behind me.

"That's because I hate gym. Worst possible class anyone has ever invented," I defended myself.

"Want to go get a coffee? We have a couple of hours to kill," he suggested and I nodded.

"Your treat though."

"Wouldn't have it any other way."




English and Math passed like any other normal, boring day. Gabby sent us a death glare the entire period and I couldn't stop my giggle from escaping. That girl was so gullible sometimes....

All the stares I was receiving were very uncomfortable, and Nathan started to act like my personal bodyguard as soon as lunch started.

"That is the last straw! I am going to start punching faces next if this keeps up!?" he hissed and I rolled my eyes.

"Aww. Boo is jealous?"

His eyes flashed towards mine for a second before going back to the road. We were on our way to go get Chinese, and so far, five guys had asked if I was new and all that non-stuff. And that was just walking to the car.

"No. I'm just protecting my best friend." His lips twitched as he tried to hold his laughter in, but I couldn't.

"Oh really? And who said I wanted to be your best friend?"

He shrugged, "I did."

The smile on my face stayed there the entire way, and was still there by the time we got back.

"Are we still doing the boyfriend/girlfriend thing? I kind of liked having my arm around your shoulders. Perfect arm rest." he joked and I scoffed at him. On our way back after we had finished eating, a guy stopped halfway in the path and started to talk to us. Well me. I was getting a little frustrated over all this unwanted attention I was getting, just because I changed my wardrobe and looked different.

"I'm with my boyfriend," I stated as I grabbed Nathan's hand. I squeezed it lightly, hoping he would catch my plan. He did, but he took it to the next level.

I felt him drop my hand so he could wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him. I blushed -which did not help make this convincible- as my body flushed against his warm one and gulped as I felt his lips on my head.

"Yeah. Why are you talking to my girl in front of me?"

"Sorry!" the guy apologized, raising his hands in the 'I didn't do it' way. He was backing away as he spoke, "I didn't know she was taken. I thought she was your friend or something."

"If she was my friend, would I do this?" he hissed and at that moment, I froze. Everything went into slow motion as he turned me around and placed both of his hands on my face. The inches slowly closed and I could feel my heart racing out of my chest.

Was he serious? Was he about to kiss me? I was a second away from moving my head when I felt his thumbs move to the corner of my lips at the same time he closed the space between us. I stiffened as he turned me around so his back was to the guy -who I must say was glaring at us- and I returned my eyes to Nathan's. He winked, I smiled under his thumbs and played along.

As my hands wrapped around his neck, the guy huffed and walked away, stomping the entire time as he passed us. As soon as he was out of sight, Nathan pulled away and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Did you enjoy kissing me?"

"Oh yes," he murmured, rolling his eyes as we walked to the car. He mumbled something under his breath and I couldn't help but to laugh as I heard something about his thumbs. That was the smile that was still stuck to my face.

"Are you ready to have Mr. Zee around your neck with the piano?" he reminded me as soon as we walked into the music hall. I gulped but nodded and shrugged all in a row.

"Brought myself into this. Have to suck it up and do what he says since he is now my teacher."

"It's not going to be that bad. Well at least I hope not," he laughed and I sighed. He walked me to the door and then grabbed my shoulders as he looked into my eyes. "Do you need backup? We can still get you out of here."

"I'm fine," I told him while taking a step back. "I'll be okay. Now go to your class before you're late."

"Oh yes. Who knows how long it's going to take for me to walk three steps to my door," he joked and I rolled my eyes. "I'll see you after class my lovely girlfriend. Don't make me jealous behind my back!"

He was already inside the room before he finished talking. I just stared after him in shock, ignoring the bell as it loudly rang around me.

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