I grabbed her hand not caring if the paparazzi get a picture of us. She held with the other hand on my biceps and pulled the hood of her jacket on. We got out of the bus and I shielded her the best I could. I mean she just woke up and flashlights are already in her face, believe me that isn't as funny as it sounds.


"Harry is Lia your girlfriend?!"


Paparazzi were screaming as we made our way to the private jet. Lia & I shook our pilot's hand and got in the plane. Lia sat at the back of the small plane and I sat next to her as she already had her eyes closed again.

"Please fasten your seatbelts."

I did as told and since Lia was already sleeping again, I did it for her as well. "how long is the flight?" I heard Niall asking from beside me. I looked at him and shrugged. "around three hours, I guess," Liam said and I leaned back feeling awfully exhausted before I fell asleep.

Lia Johnson


Niall, Louis & I chanted as we entered a 'Döner' shop. Niall said that Döner was one of the most famous food in Germany and that almost everyone ate it at least once. It's actually turkish food.

"Hallo," the man behind the counter said. "Hello, uhm...we want Döner," Niall grinned excitedly. You could see in the man's face that he had actually no knowledge of english. "OH MY GOD!" someone screamed from behind us.

We turned around confused and saw two girls probably like 15 years old or something. "Hey!" Niall greeted and the girls hugged Niall & Louis immediately. The man said something to the girls and they replied something with 'blah blah One Direction blah blah'.

"the man asks for a picture so he can hang it in his shop," one girl told us. "of course," Louis said and the man came from behind us and squeezed between Louis & Niall.

The brunette girl took the picture and I don't even know what they were saying. Something german. "what do you guys want?" the other girl with brown hair yet with a red shimmer asked us. "uhm, ten Döner!" Niall exclaimed.

The girl nodded and told the man who jumped excitedly and started making them. "spicy or not?"

"nine spicy and Lia not," Louis said. The girls took selfies with the boys and I sat on a bar stool until they asked me to take a picture with them as well. "you're with Harry together right?" the red, brown haired asked smirking.

"well, uhm..."

Did Harry wanted me to tell or would he be angry?

"we saw the pictures from yesterday, it's all over the news," the brunette said. "yea she is! We gotta go now. Bye & thank you!" Niall called and dragged me with him, followed by Louis. "you know what I want to do right now?" I asked the boys as we entered the arena.

"no, what is it?"

"I wanna ride a rollercoaster. I love riding rollercoaster," I sighed happily dreaming of riding a rollercoaster right now. "yea, I want to as well," Niall agreed. "we could! after our concert in Hamburg we have four days off. Well, not off but we probably could take one day off since all we have to do are interviews."

"I'll ask Paul," Louis offered making us nod. We got to the conference room in the back of the arena and Harry, Liam, Alec, Dad, Jordan, Paul & Miles were already waiting to try out the food. I sat next to Harry & Jordan and Niall was already shoving the food down his throat.

"How is it?" I asked before I tried out myself.

"It's so goooood!"

I took a bite as well and dude it was amazing. "why do you have a 'X' on your alufoil?" Jordan asked curiously. "because she's a pussy and is the only one who doesn't eat spicy," Louis said shaking his had in disappointment.

"Hey, don't mess with my girlfriend," Harry hissed making Louis held his hands up in surrender. "also, I wanted to talk to the both of you," My father gulped down his food and believe me he kinda was behaving strict.

"what is it?" I asked kinda annoyed.

"you two aren't allowed to be sleeping in one room for the rest of the tour," my dad said and I almost choked on the food. "are you fucking serious!" I raised my voice immediately. "yes honey, I am," dad nodded.

"Don't call me honey," I growled and was boiling with anger. "Lia, I knew you wouldn't like it but it's to dangerous," my dad pointed out. "Dangerous? What the fuck does that mean dad? You would know better then that after all that happened with mom! I can't believe you."

I stood up and threw my food on the table before I ran off.

Just a few months back I was afraid of hugging someone and now he things I would loose my virginity after I dated Harry for not even a week? He can be so...UGH!

"Lia!" I heard my boyfriends voice from behind me. "Babe!" He called again. I sat on the edge of the stage and let my feet dangle whilst looking at my lap and fiddling with my hands.

"It's okay Lia. I kinda do understand him though," he told me honestly and sat down next to me. I shook my head, not responding to him. "Lia, please don't be mad," he sighed and laid his arm around my shoulders.

"It's not fair. I don't even really care about that but just the thing that he believes that I would do that is just...I don't know I'm just disappointed in him."

Harry listened as I talked and waited to be sure that I was done before he talked, "I get you. I would be furious too but he's still your dad and loves you all he wants is to protect you."

"It's also because of your image 'The pop star who can have any girl he wants' he never liked that and normally he would've freaked out as we announced that we were dating it was since I first told him about a band called One Direction. I mean sure I had crushes but my father always saw the bad articles and the news so he wasn't so happy about it," I explained.

"I changed because I care about you and only you. I get that your dad isn't a fan of me with all the ex girlfriends and one in particular who writes songs about me which are really catchy if I say so for myself," he grinned making me giggle and nod in agreement.

"But I really like you and that's the point."

I couldn't stop myself from blushing as I looked away from him. I heard him chuckle as he placed his hand on my cheek and pulled my head to his. We smiled at each other before we melted into a passionate kiss.

"Yo Harry! We gotta get ready!" Niall's voice echoed through the arena. "coming!" Harry replied as he pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine. "see you later," Harry whispered and quickly pecked my lips before he stood up and walked away. "bye!" I called after him and he winked at me before he disappeared.


I once cut my knee open and I was in a complete different country where no one spoke my language or English idk but I was a million times more scared that I would've been at home.

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