Chapter 30: Explanation

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Bella's pov:

As soon as we left our prison we were rushed to the hospital. Presley was in the truck with me the entire ride. They had put an oxygen mask on me and stuck in I.V into my arm.

She held my hand the entire time. The truck stops and I was pulled out of the truck on the stretcher and was rushed into the Emergency room.

"Bella, I'll be out here waiting for you", Presley says

I give her a nod.

"Mrs. Hernandez are you allergic to anything?", a nurse ask
"Moltrin", I say
"Okay, we're gonna put you to sleep so you won't feel anything since you've been through enough alright", another one says

Then I was swimming in darkness.

I wake up and I feel like shit. My body aches and my head hurts badly. I look over my body and see that my arm has a brace on it, the cut I had on my chest was covered in a bandage, and my forearm was covered with a bandage.

I look around the room to see a whole bunch of flowers, thousands of cards, a lot of candy, and many stuff animals.

I look for my call light and I press it. The nurse immediately came in and she had a smile on her face.

"Your awake finally", she says
"How long have I've been out?", I asked
"Two days", she answers and she starts checking my body

I nodded. My throat is dryer than a desert.

"Can I get some water?", I ask
"Yes you may", She says
"How's my sister?", I ask
"She's fine. We just tested her for any STD's", she says
"Surprisingly she's clean", she says

I smile.

"So are you and your husband. You guys are 100% clean"
"How is he?", I ask
"He's doing well...very well. He had a few cuts and had to get stitches and we had to tap up one of his ribs but he's doing fine. He's awake right now actually", She says
"Um...what's the deal with me?", I ask
"Out of all of them I think you were the worst. We wasn't sure if you were going to make it", she says sadly
"That bad?"
"You were bleeding a lot and we had to get blood drawn to for you from you Sister, you Cervix was really bruised we know you just recently had a baby that probably the reason so...we had to re-stitch you up again, you had a cut in your back that we stitch up, your wrist is fractured, we stitch the cut on your chest, we covered the cuts on your arm because those were the ones that wouldn't stop bleeding, and we also had to tap your ribs", She explains

I blew a gust of wind out. That's a lot.

"How long will it take for me to recover?" I ask
"Maybe a month maybe less"
"I'm breastfeeding so can I still do that?", I ask
"Yes, you sure can"

I nodded.

"Can I walk?" I ask
"I believe you can but your legs might feel sore. Not to sore but sore as if you just came back from running 3 miles", she explains
"Okay, um can I have some food too?"
"What would you like. It's Lunch time?"
"Maybe a Ham and cheese sandwich with Mayonnaise"

She nods.

"I'll get your water first", she says

She leaves the room and I sit up. I look on the table to see my phone. Presley must've gotten it for me, I turned it on, and I start to text her.

From: Bella
Can you bring Kailani to me please

To: Bella
From: Presley
Of course be there in a sec

I couldn't wait to see my baby I know this is the time Alia is usually asleep for her nap so I didn't want to wake her up. The door opens and Presley walks in with a baby.

She has gotten big it saddens me I haven't seen her in probably 3 months and I haven't been able to hold her and care for her. Presley hands her to me and she was sleeping but she was still a beautiful sight.

"Gosh, thank god your awake Bruno was going crazy because you weren't waking up", Presley says and rubs her belly
I chuckle."when are you gonna have Bernadette?", I ask
"A week or two", She says
"How was Alia?"
"She's fine though she wants to see you. She came to see Bruno a few times but not you because we were afraid that she might get scared that you weren't ever going to wake up", She explains

I nodded.

"And this one sure does know who her parents are", she laughs
"Why do you say that?"
"She wouldn't sleep unless she was around your scent, she wouldn't eat unless it was your milk an let me tell you how much trouble we went with her to get her some milk, and if we had like Bruno's shirt or something she would stop crying and calm down", she explains

I smile and stroke her cheek. Then there was knock on the door, a detective and a few police officers, and the nurse with my food came in.

"Um, they didn't have sandwiches so I asked your husband what you liked and he said to give you a salad, a Coke, and fries", She says
"He sure does know what you eat", Presley laughs
"Can you bring a bassinet for her", I says motioning to Kailani and she nod
"Hello, I'm Detective Sean Washington. You can call me Sean", The detective says and shakes my hand
"Nice to meet you I'm Bella and this is my sister in law Presley", I say

He shakes her hand.

"You don't mind if I eat I haven't eaten in a while", I say as the nurse lays Kailani on the bassinet
"Not at all", he sits down and pulls out a notepad and a tape recorder."I need to ask a few questions"

I nodded.

"About the kidnapping"
"I believe this wasn't the first time you have been hurt by Kevin James."
I shake and feel physically sick just thinking about him.

"You're not going to get her to tell you everything are you?" Presley asks.
"We need to get a clear picture."
"She already told you everything about before, I will not have you upsetting her by bringing up the past."

I lean on the side of the bed and the nurse manages to pass me a sick bowl before I throw up.

"Please leave," Presley says.
"No, its okay, Prez," I say.
"Okay," Sean says. "Did you know your sister was missing?"
"Yes, but I couldn't do anything about it and have two children to look after. I knew the police were dealing with it; and I knew my mother would have let me know if there was any news."
"Did you know Kevin and his brother Deacon had her?"
"Her boyfriend Jack said he believed it was them."
"What did you believe?"
"I couldn't allow myself to believe anything because it was too horrible to think about what might be happening to my baby sister."
"So were you surprised when you saw your sister handcuffed to the bed?"
"No entirely."
"Can you describe how you felt when you saw your sister?"
"What is this?" Presley asks.
"I told you, we're just trying to get a clear picture."
"It sounds to me like you're trying to figure out if Bella was involved."
"I had no idea who had my sister, detective but I wasn't surprised because of what Jack said. Regarding what Kevin did to us - nothing surprises me when it comes to Kevin - not anymore."
"Can you tell us what happened?"

I look at Presley.

"Do you want me to leave?"
"No can you stay?"

I describe what happened and watch my best friends face as I go through all the sordid details.

He asks me a few more questions before he leaves.

"Oh, Bella," Presley says. "That was horrible just hearing it. I don't know how the hell you survived that."
"I only survived because of Dee and Bruno. If they weren't there, I probably would have given up and not come out of their alive. I know what Kevin is like and I had to stay alive for them."

She gives me a hug.

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