Chapter 34: Anniversary Surprise

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A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter I would like to thank JoelleCullen for helping me out.


Everything has been blissful few months.

Alia is nearly 5 years old and is soon going to be starting kindergarten I can't believe it. My first born is growing up so fast...both of my girls.

Ms.Kailani is starting to crawl and I don't like it...I want her to be my baby forever and ever and ever.

Presley had her baby...finally. Honestly she was better than me in the delivery room she didn't scream, yell, or anything. She just took deep breaths and just delivered Bernadette or Bernie is what I call her in memory of our mother. Presley has taken mother hood with greatness though she calls me every hour when she doesn't know what to do with something and I gladly help her.

Bruno and I...well let's just say I'm hoping I'm not pregnant. We've been together everyday, every hour, every minute. We can't stay away from each other and if we do like if I have to leave for a modeling show or he has to do a show we are always on the phone or face timing. I love it, I think it's because of how distant we were before and now we're making up for it.

Yes, I've went back to modeling because I really don't like sitting in the house doing really nothing. So after I did the music video for I bet, which had over 10 million views on YouTube, I went back to modeling.

It's nearly Me and Bruno's's in tomorrow and I have no idea what we were idea at all.

I was laying in bed with Kailani snuggled against my chest. Bruno opens the door and surprises me with breakfast in bed. I sit up surprised but had a smile on my face.

"I have a surprise for you," he smiles and picks up Kailani
"You know I hate surprises."

"You'll love this one."

He gives me a kiss and heads for the bedroom door.

"You have an hour before we need to be there. Presley will be here to babysit in half hour."
"Where are we going?"

He just smiles and leaves the room.I eat my breakfast and get dressed before I go downstairs where Bruno is feeding Kailani and Alia is eating her breakfast. I put my dishes in the dishwasher.

"Time to go," Bruno says as soon as Presley arrives with Bernie.
"I haven't even said hello to my goddaughter yet."
"No time," Presley says. "You can have all the cuddles you want when you get back."
"You know where we're going?"
"Of course and you'll love it."

It's obvious she's not going to tell me so I kiss the girls goodbye and leave with Bruno.
He drives us to the airport and then we fly to Hawaii before getting a cab to Pearl Harbor.

"Welcome," a man says when we arrive. "My name is Scott and I'll be your tour guide. Everything's set up. Do you need scripts?"

Scripts? What?

"Not necessary," Bruno says. "We know the lines like the back of our hands."
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Today, mam," Scott says. "You're getting a tour of the settings from Pearl Harbor. A tour like no other."
"We're going to re-enact some of the best scenes from the movie," Bruno smiles with excitement.
"Are you serious?"
"Right this way," Scott says and we go to a jazz club where were are met by a few actors. "These are gonna be your stand ins for the characters that are relevant to the scenes your husband picked out. And this..."

A young man who looks like Danny from Pearl Harbor steps forward.

"Is your Danny stand in when your husband isn't playing him."
"Wait, I'm confused," I say.
"I'm playing both Rafe and Danny in various scenes while you continue as Evelyn in all of them," Bruno explains. "Luke here will play Danny in the parts where both Rafe and Danny are present."
"I see."
"They'll be camera's filming you like its real so you have a memento," Scott explains. "And if you muck up and want to start again, just let the cameraman know and we'll do another take."
"This sounds wonderful," I smile. "When do we start?"

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