Chapter 7: Oh My (part 2)

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"What are those?", one of the adults say

We turn and we see the Umpa Lumpas humming in unison and bobbing their head. Then I hear a sucking noise I turn and see Augustas being sucked into the pipes.

"Call the fire fighters!", he's mother yells
"It a wonder how that pipe is big enough", Bruno says
"It isn't it's slowing down!", Charlie says

The humming becomes louder.

"What are they doing?", Alia says
"Well, I think their gonna sing a little song. This is the first time they ever had a live audience in a long time", Johnny says

Augustus Gloop! Augustus Gloop!
The great big greedy nincompoop!
Augustus Gloop!
So big and vile
So greedy, foul, and infantile
'Come on!' we cried, 'The time is ripe
To send him shooting up the pipe!
But don't, dear children, be alarmed;
Augustus Gloop will not be harmed,
Augustus Gloop will not be harmed
Although, of course, we must admit
He will be altered quite a bit.
Slowly, the wheels go round and round,
The cogs begin to grind and pound;
We boil him for a minute more,
Until we're absolutely sure
Then out he comes! And now! By grace!
A miracle has taken place!
A miracle has taken place!

We hear a spraying noise we look at the kid and the pipe began to rumble. Then he starts to move up.

This greedy brute, this louse's ear,
Is loved by people everywhere!
For who could hate or bear a grudge
Against a luscious bit of fudge?

Johnny began clapping and I did too. Wow, that Smirnoff is fucking me up.

"Bravo!", I say
"They were magnificent. Weren't we they great?", Johnny says

I walked away from everyone looking for something to snack on because my stomach was starting to hurt for some reason which was a little strange. I picked up a caramel covered Apple. I went back to the group who were walking to a dock. And as I expected a pink dragon boat came up to us.

We get aboard and Bruno and I sit in the back Alia as on his lap. Johnny comes with us and sits down.

"So how did you two get together?", Bruno asked
"Um, I was walking no from acting class and I bumped into a girl and she dropped all of her books. I helped her up and she was the typical nerd...but a beautiful nerd. I walked her to class and I found out her name was Isabella. I basically followed her for months we were just talking, and I was just stroked by her beauty", He explains
"Then I was asked t prom by some guy I didn't know. I got a letter saying to be ready and when he picked me up we went to prom but I was afraid to get picked on...and I never did. Then we were crowned king and queen surprisingly, we had our first dance,and our first kiss there and we were together until...I was a Sophomore in college.", I explain

Bruno nods.

"Yeah, it was a wonderful relationship...with very memories I'm fond of", He says and winks at me.

I almost forgot...he was my first.

"Mr.Wonka! We're heading into a tunnel!", Charlie exclaims
"Full speed ahead!"
"Hold on to her", I say to Bruno
"How can they see?", Violet asks
"They can't there's no way they can tell...Turn on the lights!", He says

Then we were going full speed down the tunnel. As we ride I was getting sick and I felt like I had to throw up. I hold back until we get off the boat to the inventing room.

I go away from everyone and went to find a trash barrel and I did and I threw up everything I had in my stomach from this morning.

"Shit", I groan and threw up again.

I need to go home. I call Presley and she was on her way to pick me up already. I walk to the group and pull Bruno to he side.

"I don't feel very good. Presley is on her way to pick me up", I say
"Do you want me to go with you?", he asks
"No, spend time with Alia it'll do you some good", I smile
"Okay", he smiles and kisses me

I walk to Johnny who was just looking at the kids.

"I'm leaving but it was great to see you and we must catch up sometime", I say
"Aw, your leaving?", he asked
"Yeah, I don't feel very good", I say

He nods. I take my phone out and he puts his number into it.

"Alright I'll see you later", I say and hug him
"Yeah, bells", he says and kisses my cheek.

I leave out the factory through the back door and Presley was already there waiting for me. I get into the car and she starts to drive to the house.

"What's wrong?", she asks
"I don't feel good, like I threw up twice, and my stomach feels like it's in knots", I say
"Maybe your catching the Flu", she says

We get back to the house and I went straight up stairs to my room. I take my shoes and clothes off and lay in bed. Before I can go to sleep for a nap my stomach churned, I ran out of bed and to the toilet, and I threw up again.

"God damn it", I groan

I brush my teeth and rinsed my mouth good. I go back to bed me lay down and slowly drifting to sleep.

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