Chapter 2: Vancouver

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We were all in a car driving up to the house. Bruno was driving, I was in the passenger seat,and Presley, Kealoha,and Alia were in the back. I was nervous to go up there to the house...Because I don't want anything to go down between Jessica and I in front of my child or my neices and nephews or even her own child. Yes, we found out she had a child by her ex-husband, a little girl named Julia, and she was a sweetheart. Her and Alia go to the same Pre-school that's how I met her.

"We're here", Bruno says

I look out the window and see a white mansion. It was decorated in blue christmas lights, it had reefs on each window, and it had a fountain out front. He parks the car and we get out.

"Wow, this is beautiful", I say in awe
"Where did they find this?", Presley says

I see Bruno take out Alia and we all start to go in to the house. The inside was very grand. There was a grand staircase, the floors were woodened, there were people in uniforms in the living room making what I think drinks, I can see the kitchen on the far left, and there was a grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"Beautiful", Presley says
"You girls go get a room and we'll get the bags", Kealoha says

We didn't do anything but nod. After we finished starring at the Chandelier we went upstairs to find a room for each other. I picked a dark blue room for bruno and I. It had a fireplace that was already keeping the room warm, the bed was a full queen size bed with a black comforter, and there was a flat screen t.v. right above the fireplace.

For Alia I found the childrens room for the girls. So I'm guessing Jessica is coming because there was two twin beds in a room. I got her settled in and she was taking a nap. I go downstairs and get two red appletinies, went to Presleys room,and handed one too her.

"So... what's been going on?", She asks
"Nothing, really oh we're gonna take Alia to go see the willy wonka factory.", I say
"Listen, their actrully following the movie like I won a gold ticket and I guess four other people. I'm going to have a few drinks before I go because of how ridiculous it is", I say
"Yea, but they warned us. About some of the things like the fat kid is going to be an actor, the gum is real but its gonna just turn your body blue for a few hours, the squirrels are robots and the trash will be a ballon to break the fall", I explain

She laughs.

"Your not gonna let her touch anything?", She says
"Not one single machine"

We laugh then we became silence.

"Have you told him?", Presley ask
"Him what?", I asked shakily
"Bella, when you guys only told him about just kevin...did you tell him what he made you do. We've talked about this", She says

Yes we did...After Bruno and I got married I started to have even more flashbacks because...there is one scar that ONLY me and presley know. It was under my tattoo it wasn't big it was small maybe 3 centimeters long on my hip. I had it covered by a tattoo of the phrase "Let's start with forever". I got the cut from... Kevin Pimping me out a few times. This cut was from the last one and it was his friend Marcus.

"I know I'm just not ready to tell him...about that", I say
"Bella... he's gonna find out sooner or later", She says

I nodded.

"Baby Squirrel!", I hear Bruno call

I sigh and leave her room and went downstairs to where his voice was coming from which was the kitchen.

"Yes?", I asked
"Um, where is Alia?"
"When is the Factory thing?", he asks
"2 days"

The front door opens and I can hear murmering.

"Hello!?!", Eric calls
"More guest", Kealoha says

We all go to the front room to see Tiara and Eric,his wife, and kids and Tahiti, her fiancée , and kids. Moments after Philip, his wife, and kids walk in.

"Hey guys", I smile and we took turns hugging one another
"Hey", They say
"Where's Baby girl?", Tahiti asked as she rubs her belly.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention she and billy are expecting a baby boy in a few months. It makes me want another baby...but I'm not ready for some reason.

"She's taking a nap and you look wonderful!", I say
"Aw thank you Bella. But, you look amazing we gotta talk now!", She says

She pulls me and Cindia away from the guy, the nanny for the kids took them to a kids room, and Presley just came downstairs.

"I'm so excited about this vacation you have no idea!", Cindia says
"I'm excited too is Jaime coming?", Presley says
"She says she'll be here in a few days Jaimo has a doctors appointment tomorrow", Tahiti explains
"Listen, its gonna be great and I'm so happy you know to take a break from work. Try to make a baby with your brother", I say

We laugh.

"And I'll make sure to drink enough for two", I say
"Hello hello?", the witch says

We look up and see Jessica walks in with her daughter.

"Make that enough for three", I breath
"Hey", Billy says
"Hey, Billy where are the kids?", She asks
"Around here somewhere", he answers
"Okay, Julia go play with the kids", She says
"Um, this was unexpected", Tahiti says

We watch as she says hi to the guys. She stops in front of Bruno and she gives him a seducing smile.

"What the fuck?", I growled
"C'mon Jess", Urbana says amd pulls her towards us
"Uh uh", Presley says and pulls me away

Its great she pulled me away because just Jessica in the atmosphere made me want to beat her ass for the shit she and Bruno pulled. I kept my temper down and acted like a mature adult. I pulled away from her and went upstairs to check on my kid.

I go into her room and she was still asleep. I sit on the bed and just watched her sleep peacefully. The door opens, I look up,and it was Bruno. I look from him then back to our daughter.

"What's wrong?", he asked
"I can't talk about it infront of Alia", I say
"Then come to our room"

I sigh and followed him out towards our room. I go in and he close the door.

"What's the matter"
"One, I don't trust you and Jessica in the same house or even in the same room. I don't thats my opinion", I say
"And two?", he ask
"Um, I uh..."

No, Bella he doesn't have to know that kevin forced me onto guys.

"I know your upset because I haven' know had a baby", I say
"I didn't say that"
"I know but you sometimes act like it", he says
"Baby squirrel...i don't think a baby was a great idea for us at the time because I was on the road and stuff. I didn't want to miss out on things that's why I said no before. If you want a baby I'll give you a baby", he says
"Okay,I want a baby but then again I don't want one", I say
"I'm not going through what I went through last time. You weren't there half the pregnancy because of touring oh wait let's not forget that you and—"
"Stop bringing that up alright I already said I was sorry what more do you want?"

I walked passed him and left the room. I don't want another baby like this if we are fighting. I know we're only fighting because Jessica is here which is going to be weird because she very very unpredictable.

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