Chapter 27: Seperate

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~Dee's pov~

When I wake up, Bella is dressed and standing by the window.

"There's some clothes on the bed for you, babe," she says without turning.

I go over to the bed and begin getting on the sexy blue dress which compliments Bella's red one.

She turns.

"I'm sorry you got dragged into this, Dee," she says.
"This isn't your fault, Bella.  They're evil possessive bastards.  I've just worried sick about LJ.  He was left alone on the street when I was taken."
"Don't worry, babe," she says.  "Jack has him."
I breathe a sigh of relief.
"How's the cut?"
"It hurts; alot, but you did a good job."
"Bella, there was this guy, the first one who raped me.  He... um... had AIDS and didn't use protection."

I start crying just thinking about it.

"Oh no, Dee."
"I'm so scared, Bella."

She holds me close until we hear voices outside.

"Listen to me," she says.  "Just close your eyes and imagine you're somewhere nice with Jack and LJ.  That's what I did and I began to stop noticing I was being raped."

The door opens and Kevin comes in with the man with AIDS.

"You're turn, Bella," he says and my eyes widen.
"Please no," I plead.  "Take me."
"Dee, it's okay," Bella reassures me.
"But Bella, it's him."
"Dee, please, the more you struggle the worse it'll be."

I see tears in her eyes, and tears fall from my own as I'm dragged into another room where another man is waiting.  At least he's not as old as the others.

"She's all yours," Kevin says before he leaves.

I just stare at the man until he comes over and starts on me.

Three days go by, and the rapes and abuse continue but me and Bella always end up back together and often cry each other to sleep.  It's been about four weeks since I was kidnapped, nearly a month, and Bella has been here a week.

We are woken one morning to shouting and screaming outside the door which then opens and Bruno is thrown into the room.

"Oh my hell," Bella says before she runs to her husband and looks up at Kevin.  "What the hell are you doing? Why him?"

"Because I can."

He smirks as he leaves the room and locks us in.  Bella turns back to Bruno.

"Baby, speak to me," she pleads

His eyes bulge open and he backs away in fear before he realises it's Bella.

"It's me."

He crawls over to her and they hold each other.

I don't know what they did to him but I've never seen such fear in his eyes. Ever.

"I've been lost without you," he says.  "Alia's been sleeping in with me and we've both cried ourselves to sleep."

Sudden realisation appears on his face.

"Shit! Alia Kailani She was there when they came and attacked me.  We were eating breakfast.  I heard her screaming and I tried fighting back but there were too many of them.  They're  at home alone."

Bella looks at me in horror.

"She's smart girl," I try and encourage.  "I'm sure she'd have managed to call somebody."
"No,...Kailani needs food more than Alia...that's what I'm worried about", She says and start to shake
"Babe, she's a smart girl she knows where the bottles are I'm sure they'll be fine", Bruno assures trying to get her to calm down

Bella nods, trying not to worry about what her daughter had witnessed before she was left alone.  She and Bruno cuddle up together.

Bella's pov

With Bruno with Dee and I, I felt a bit better during the hour, but I was scared that my baby may be scared and alone. I feel a sharp pain and start to move.

"Shit", I whimper in pain
"What's wrong?", Bruno asks
"Um...I now know the reason why doctors say don't have sex after you have a baby for 8 weeks", I say before I whimper again

He face hardens when he realizes what I had said.

"How many times?", he asks
"3 or 4", I whisper
"Maybe 2 times a day", she says
"How long have you been here?", he asks
"Maybe a month", she answers
"Fuck", he cries."um, have the men drank your...milk?", he asks me
"They don't know I had a baby", I say

He nods. The door opens and Kevin walks in. He looks from me to Bruno and grabs my arm and pulls me away from him.

"Bruno", I cry

But he was cut off from the door being slammed in his face. I was led to the other guest room and thrown on the bed.

"This is your room now.", He spits
"What did I do", I cry
"Everything", he says and slams the door

I think it just gotten worst.

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