Chapter 11: First Appointment

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The next week...

I rolled over onto my side and sighed, snuggling myself into the blankets. I looked at the clock, "Shit." I yelled, I was late, an hour late.

I quickly got out of bed and regretted it instantly. The nausea washed over me and I stood still, hoping it would pass, but it didn't. I ran to the bathroom emptying my stomach.

I sat back on the ground and groaned, my head was pounding. I lay my head against the clod bathtub and waited for it to pass. Once it had subsided I got up slowly and brushed my teeth. I opened the bathroom door and jumped back, Bruno was right in front of me.

"What are you doing in here?" I scolded.

He looked at me confused, "Um, making breakfast there are people here that need to eat." He said.

"why is it so late? You should have woke me up." I yelled, my pregnancy hormones ragging.

"Um, Bella . . . Its only 07:30." He told me, chuckling a little.

"What? The clock in the bedroom says it 9'o'clock."

"It got knocked over last night while we were having sex . . . must be broken." He shrugged.

I breathed out a sigh of relief, "I hate you." I said in a mocking voice, I hated when he knew things, it made me look stupid.

"I love you, too." He smiled, kissing my forehead. "Now lets go have breakfast and then go to the hospital." He lead me towards the kitchen.

I sat down at the table, with everyone else, and he brought me over pancakes and orange juice. He had set out the syrup and whipped cream.

"Um, have you talked to mom?", I asked Dee
"No, I wanted everything to calm down before I try to contact them", she says

I nodded. I look over to Alia who was being fed by Bruno. I smile at them and start eating my food in silence.

Bruno looked at me and I just shrugged, "I know I am a pig." I sighed

He shook his head, "No your just pregnant."

I nodded and got up, I started to wash the dishes. I walked over to Bruno and handed him the mail, he smiled and I placed a kiss on his lips. I take Alia out of her chair and set her on the floor and she ran off.

"Mhm Bella." He moaned in my ear

I sat on his lap and my hands slid through his soft hair, after a 2 minute make out session we got up to do the dishes. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my neck. I smiled and placed my hands on top of his.

"I'm eating", Dee says
"Well, if your gonna be living in this house you mind as well get use to it because we have sex often", I snapped

We finished the dishes quickly and I went into our bedroom picking out an outfit, I put on a white tank top with a navy jeans and I tried to do up the button and I couldn't, I sighed in defeat. I was getting fat . . . Great!

I felt warm tears make there way down my face and I wiped them away but they kept coming, damn pregnancy hormones. I felt a hand wrap around my waist and I looked up, I looked at Bruno in the mirror and he smiled weakly at me.

"Don't worry, your pregnant its okay to gain weight." He told me.

"Its just hard to accept it. I wont be size 2 Bella anymore for like a year." I rubbed my eyes.

"Bella, I don't care about how skinny you are, I love you for what's in here and what's up here." He gestured to my heart and brain.

I nodded and took the jeans off, pulling on a pair of sweatpants capris. He took my hand and we walked down to the car. He hugged me tightly before getting in and I smiled at him, he always knew how to make me feel better.

Treasure (Sequel To Talking to the Moon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang