chapter 3: fifteen thousand tears I've cried

Start from the beginning

"I would love to see you try!" Hunter laughed back as he had me over his shoulder walking around the living room as the other guys played on the xbox. What's the best way to give someone something?

I lifted up Hunter's shirt, "What are you doing?" then I licked right across his back.

"Ew! What the hell!" He flipped me over his shoulder and I landed with a thud on the mattress on the floor. I held my stomach and tried to ketch my breath from all my laughing that was flooding out of my mouth.

"You... you got the death touch!" I was still laughing as he came down over me and pinned down my shoulders with his hands.

"Now listen up punk!" He held out a fist like he was about ready to punch me. I pushed him off me then rolled over so I was on top of him.

"No you listen up cunt!" I laughed then imatated his movements.

"Ay, language!" We both looked over to see Ace was the one who yelled but didn't take his eyes off the t.v. screen.

"Why? It's not like we don't know the words."

"Mom's in the kitchen, she can hear anything!" Ace reminded me.

"Right that bitch." I was joking, but she was a real bitch some times especially once a month. Ketch my drift?

Hunter cought me off gard, like I had with him before and flipped me over onto my back and pinned me back down, "Ha ha I'm better!" he sang his victory.

"Yeah right! I'd beat you anywhere anytime!" I snapped back.

"Not right now, 'cause as it looks to me, I'm on top of you! Ahh oh my god look at that!" He gave me a wiled grin that made me laugh a little, but I still wasn't ready to say my defeat.

I pushed on Hunter's chest but he wouldn't budge. He just smiled and laugh. Then my awesome mind came up with an awesome idea.

"R.A.P.E  GET YOU PENIS OUT OF ME!" I screamed that and he just gave me a weird face and laughed.

"Dude stop raping my mate. That's my job." Peter didn't sound into it but I knew he meant it as a joke. I made a gagging face at Hunter and he laughed and returned one back.

He eased up on my shoulder and went to sit next to me. I lung the rest of him of of me then got on top of him and pinned his arms down.

"I win you loose I'm awesome!" I cheered. he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Same old Ivy." he laughed under his breath. That made me smile. I would never change.

I got off hunter and rolled onto my back besides him on the mattress that was still down here from when I went mattress surfing and got yelled at 'cause I might 'hurt my head again'. I'm already dead, how much worst can I get?

Hunter looked out the sun roof at the sun set and watched as the stars started to appear. We just talked. I liked talking with Hunter. He was understanding and I could vent to him more easily then the others.

"Hey guys it's time for dinner." my mom called from the doorway. We all made our way out the door stumbling over each other, like usual.

We were in the middle of dinner, everyone was silent for some reason, i think eating with my parents made it weird.

"Mom. How come you didn't tell me I was dead?" Everyone's head turned to me and my mom almost gagged on her food, which was pretty funny.

"Well..." She looked over at my dad who just shrugged. I heard a couple snickers come from across the table, "Well we thought if you knew you might do something drastic, or that you would find out soon enough."

"Ahuh..." I raised my noise and nodded ever so slighly, "So drastic as in... Suicide? I think I already got that covered."

"You were murdered. That's different."my mom's voice sounded a little frantic.

"Okay what ever." I went back to eating my pasta as well as my mom and dad.

I have to say, none of the conversations at the dinner table we normal. That's just how my family is, we are just cool like that, but this one deffently made most wierd. Right above the time that my dad found out that I had my pierod.

"How come you didn't tell me you got it but you're mom and Ace already knew! I mean I've known this day was going to tcome at one point."

"Dad.. hate to break it to you, but I've had it for over a year now..."

"What!? You didn't tell me!?"

"It never came up!"

That one was defiantly ranking about highest on the most awkward chart right next to when my parents gave Ace and I the sex talk... at the same time. Hey, at least I knew he went down with me.

After dinner we all went up to the band room. I only have been in here once sense that day Ace got the call from those people that wanted to check us out.

I walked in behind everyone and it almost felt like it hurt to be in there. I was a good musician in here. Not one that can't even play a frikin cord.

I looked around at the walls and felt something come over me, "Hey guys, I'll be back in a minute I just need to do something really quick." They nodded and ran out and across the hall into my bed room.

I flopped down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I felt something hard and cold under my back. I pulled it up to see it was my iPod. I put my ear buds in and I hit the play button. Well tried 5 times till I got it.


It turned onto South Texas Death Ride by the Union Underground. To the middle of it when you have it turned up almost all the way and the dude says "Come on come on get up get up south texas death ride you mother fuck." it sounds like he is whispering right into your ear.

I thought that if I listened to some music right now I would feel better. WRONG!

The next song that came on was one of the songs we recorded a while back with my bass solo as the intro.

I ripped the ear buds out of my ear and grabbed my pillow to hug as I cried into it.

Nothing works out right.

Killing the Band (book 2 of Kicking Ass)Where stories live. Discover now