Bắt đầu từ đầu


Laura and Shelly are already ready and waiting downstairs for me. I walk downstairs with my blue canvas and navy blue hoodie. "Am I late?"

"As always." I say nothing and walk towards the door, shooting a glare at Shelly. "Don't give me that look. Let's go."

We decided to walk to the school to get some fresh air before the atom bomb drops on us. We first decide to visit Shelly's class teacher for her report sheet. I can see Shelly's face exhibiting tension. She signs on the sheet to give a record that she has received her analysis report. Ms. Thompson hands her report and her face lights up on seeing her marksheet. When Laura passes it on to me, I'm o glad to see that she has god A+ in all subjects except for Botany where she achieved an A. That means she just needs to work a little bit more on her Botany and she'll be fine.

We move on to my classroom and I sign on the register too before Ms. Canes gives me the report. The adrenal glands in my body have now relaxed on seeing straight A's in every subject. No exceptions! I'm so glad and in the remarks, Ms. Mariette, our extracurricular coordinator has mentioned that I'm really responsible of leading the crowd and that I am added to the nominee list for the coordinators club as its President. Laura and Shelly are really happy for me and Shelly herself too. We've got a good impression now, after getting good grades in our first exams in this college.

Great job Ally! Let's go and check out with the others now. 

Luckily, all of them are gathered right near the car park and all parents, grouped up next to us. On inquiry, all of them have got amazing grades and Austin is really happy as he finally achieved A+ in Physics, the only subject he was lagging in, although he doesn't pay any attention in the class. He thanks me for the help. I give him a warm smile. Just then, we are all asked to gather in the assembly area most probably to tell us about our upcoming trip. Can't wait for that!

We walk down the hallway towards the assembly room as the room gets filled up with more and more students. "I wonder what this is about." Suzanne asks, scrinching her eyebrows. 

"I hope for something worth all this waiting." Shelly adds up, shrugging her shoulder.

"Good morning students. Firstly congratulations to everyone on securing great grades. Secondly, Ms. Brinbale herself would like to to talk to you all about something very important in Strasbourg High." A wave of whisper erupts among the crowd on hearing Ms. Canes.

"Hello students. Hope you are all having a great day. Okay. I'll directly come to the point. Like every year, the school is organising yet another recreational trip looking forward to this being periodic activity now. This trip will not be anything related to your studies. Nothing......" Everyone in the room roars in excitement and happiness including us. "....... Now for the details of the trip. The forms will be put up on the notice board on every floor. It'll also be passed on to the head of the coordinators club and hence onto the office bearers of the club. You can always ask them out for any queries. For now, I want all of you to disperse and get yourselves ready for the trip as it's gonna be real fun. Thank you!"

Hell yeah! First outdoor trip with my group! 

"I couldn't be anymore happy." Shelly states clapping her hands in excitement.

"It' gonna be so much fun!" Eric adds.

"Who wouldn't agree to that!" Austin speaks up before leaning closer to my ear and whispering, "Your first trip after moving to Strasbourg right? Don't worry. It'll be the best one. You can trust me on that." I look into his oceanic eyes as he takes me off guard by what he just said, my still bearing a small smile. Austin winks at me and breaks the eye contact as we walk up to the exit of the school and towards the mall for shopping again as we start listing down all the we will be needing for our trip.

the BAD BOY and ALLYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ