Holy Night

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Holy Night by The__Crazy_Girl

It was Christmas Eve at Camp Half-Blood, and everything seemed well. Bright stars were shining down at them, lighting up this holy night. The scene in front of them was so peacefully and harmonic that the song Silent Night would fit perfectly to the scene.
Okay, that was a big fat lie.

People were running around, screaming of delight, fun or in Katie's case, annoyance. Christmas music was blasting in the background. Apparently Leo had somehow hacked into Spotify or something, because in some weird was it possible to listen to music without attracting monsters.

Christmas decorations were everywhere, even through some of them were already broken (thanks to Cecil).

Katie was currently screaming of Travis, trying to convince, or threaten, him not to start a food fight. Other couples were dancing to the music. And others again were standing at the sideline, making fun of each other.

Grover could literally feel all the joy in the air, coming from the people, just as strong and fast as a waterfall.

Satyrs were, as usually, chasing the nymphs. Except him and Juniper, of course, they were just standing on the sideline, together with Percy and Annabeth, watching people having fun. And listening with a half ear to Percy and Annabeth's arguments.

"So," Juniper asked him at last, cutting off their small talk. "How much have you dancing improved since last time?"

He bleated nervously. "Not at all?"

She sent him a smile; as if it was just the answer she had hoped on. "Well, then let's improve it. Shall we?"

"Juniper!" he protested. "I don't think it's a good idea, I mean, there are so many people out there and I am probably going to kick them over their legs and I don't want to ruin it."

Juniper sighed. "That's basically the worst excuse ever. Lou Ellen and Cecil have already been out there. I think they can survive you." Then she started dragging him along, not even giving him time to protest. He sent Percy a glance, screaming: Help!

Percy ignored him, apparently being too lost in Annabeth's eyes to notice his friends trouble. Great, no saving from that front.

Soon Grover found himself at the dance floor, trying his best not to stamp at Juniper's feet and make a giant fool out of himself as they danced. Even though he should hate it, he couldn't help but enjoy it a bit. Being so close to Juniper, that he was able to inhale her smell, which always reminded him of, well, home. The feeling of her skin brushing against his and her breath tickling him, while they danced along to the wonderful tones of Hallelujah.

And for once he just relaxed and enjoyed the music and being so close on her. Then he stamped on her foot and the moment was over. "Auch!" she muttered.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I told you, I am terrible at this."

She sent him a smile. "Nah, you are okay at it, honestly."

"You're lying."

She laughed. "Okay you got me. You're terrible at it."

He laughed with her. "I hope it doesn't hurt too much."

"Grover, honestly, it's-" suddenly she stopped abruptly, as the music changed to Disco Inferno. She frowned, looking confused at the speaker. "What the Hades happened to the music?"

Grover shrugged. "I—" he never finished the sentence, because in the same moment a voice shouted very loudly. "Leo Valdez!"

Leo, who had been sitting in the corner, completely lost in his own thoughts, looked confused up. "Yeah, Sunshine?" he asked Calypso.

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