Dust and Gold

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Dust and Gold by jungle321jungle

"Remember when all this stuff had value? We would've been rich..."

You nod slowly as you sift through the gems and jewelry uninterested. He was right; it was all worthless now. The large diamond you just pocketed could've bought you a nice car at one point, but now it was worth about as much as a toy ring on a cupcake. Not like you could actually get a cupcake, let alone cake nowadays.

"What's the point?" You sigh. "There's no food here. All blankets and any other useful items have already been taken. Might as well leave."

"Why?" he asks. "Now I am a king!" He strikes a pose with his hands on his hips and his chest pumped out. He wears a bedazzled headband as a crown. You notice he is also wearing a number of necklaces and rings.

"The king of dust and gold. Congrats," You say, rolling your eyes.

"Ahh, it's okay," He says coming to pat you on the back. "You can be part of my court."

"Yeah no."

"Then what are you?"

"A thief. Like everyone else left."

"You're such a pessimist. Loosen up. Enjoy the apocalypse a bit."

"Do you hear the words that come out of your mouth!?" You shout now enraged. "'Enjoy the apocalypse'!? What is there to enjoy?! My family is dead! My friends are dead! And now I'm stuck stealing from homes with a psychopath! What is there even to live for!?"

He doesn't respond at first. He slowly takes off the gems adorning his body. "I'm sorry you feel that way. But you're not the only one who has lost people, you know. But I can't tell you what you are supposed to live for. That's something for you to figure out on your own. Now, it's clear you want to be alone. I'll leave you be..."

You try to tell him not to go, but your mouth refuses to work. He takes off the last of the jewelry and walks out the door, leaving you alone. You hear his retreating footsteps echo throughout the large yet empty home. You hear him head downstairs and out the door. With only the door's echo in the background, your knees buckle and you sink to the floor, your eyes scanning the room.

At one point in time it would've been something magnificent—something straight out of The Great Gatsby. Now it was nothing more than a hollow shell of what it once was. Much like the whole world itself. Nothing more than a shadow of what it used to be. By now you could barely remember the world you had lived in.

As time passed you found yourself robbed of the memories you knew you should have. Your dog's name had long since been forgotten. Now you couldn't remember the color of its fur. Your mother's and sister's faces blurred into one. They had always looked similar, but now you couldn't tell who was who. Your best friend has almost completely faded. You could remember things they had said. But you couldn't give the voice a face. Now you couldn't even remember if this friend had been male or female.

You shook your head, tears prickling your eyes. Without those memories you felt... incomplete... like without those memories you weren't even yourself. But who were you then?

And who are you now?

A scream ripped through your ears with the sound of gunfire. Immediately straightening up, you bolt out the room after snatching your pack and machete. You jump down the stairs, tripping on a few. It's a miracle you didn't fall. You keep running as the shouting grows closer. You could pick out his voice among them.

"Let me go! Stop it, you bastard!"

You burst out the front door as the Snatchers shove him in the back of the truck. You duck back inside before they grab you too. But you make eye contact with him. You try not to gasp at the large gash over his left eye pouring blood, at the large bruise on his jaw. His desperate eyes meet yours. He manages a small smile before one of the Snatchers hits him cross the face.

"What are you smilin' at, little bitch?!"

"How much you think we could get for this one?" One asks through the open window of the truck's cab. Another slams the door shut but you can still see his face through the window pane.

"He looks young," The one in back said to the other who was climbing into the truck. "Maybe under eighteen. We can get at least thirty rations—each!" The three snatchers share a laugh, driving off. Before you can think how stupid an idea it is, you find yourself sprinting after the truck.

He stares at you, shaking his head. You can see him mouthing words. "Stop it! Idiot! I'm the stupid one not you! Go back! You're grounded!"

You ignore him as usual. The truck only accelerates. You could make it.

You get close enough and grab onto the truck's door handle. You reach your hand up and get ready to jump when his voices reaches you.

"I'm not worth saving!" He shouts. "You're my reason to live! I can't let them Snatch you too!"

You freeze at his words. He gives you a genuine smile as tears flow freely from his eyes.

You stand frozen as the truck continues on finally at full speed. You could never catch up now. You watch the last trace of the person you might have cared for disappear into the wasteland.

Tears start to pour from your eyes and you scream in frustration. You furiously try to wipe the continuous tears from your face. Part of you wants to continue. To go on the suicide mission that is attempting his rescue.

He couldn't go on if you tried. You were—no, are—his reason to live. But he wasn't yours...

You wipe the tears from your face once again as you slowly turn to the opposite direction. Taking a deep breath, you put one foot in front of the other, trudging down the abandoned road.


It's down to me and you,

In this cold and empty room-

Forgotten what we're dying for.

Just tell me what to change.

Just tell me what to say,

'Cause I can't feel it anymore.

But why are we so incomplete?

It's down to you and me,

In this cold and empty street-

Forgotten what we're living for.

Just tell me what is right.

'Cause it's more than what's inside-

'Cause I can't see it anymore.

All I see are kings and thieves-

When all I own is just dust and gold.


Don't let go yet,

Don't settle for less.

And everything you are...

Why are we so incomplete?

When all I own is just dust-

Just dust and gold.

When all I see are kings and thieves;

When all I own is just dust and gold-

So rescue me.

(Why are we so incomplete?)

Rescue me.

So rescue me.

(Why are we so...)


-Song, Dust and Gold by Arrows to Athens

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