To Love is to Lose

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To Love is to Lose by stars_and_aces

In the mass of students, decked out in glittery gowns and mile high heels stood the world's most beautiful girl. The way she managed to look like a goddess with minimal makeup made Jasper's heart run faster than a marathon runner.

She walked alone as she handed her ticket to the bored looking senior. Her simple blood red gown contrasted against her pale skin, which was the color of pure ice. And nearly all of her accessories were black, making her look like burning coals.

Jasper shoved through the mass of sweaty bodies to reach her, hoping to catch her. With his heart beating erratically and his black button down shirt sticking to his chest, he knew this was the time.

The time to admit his feelings to her.

He was always attracted to her, from her mysterious personality to her ethereal looks. Jasper was sure he's never heard her speak, but he dreamed of what she's sound like. Maybe it was deep or high and tinkly.

Tonight he was going to find out.

He was hoping that she came. He knew that she goes to many of the school's social events, even if she wasn't very social herself. But she was always there. Just like tonight.

She was always there for him as well. Gently touching his arm as she would pass by him in the halls, or offering a warm smile when no one was sitting with him at lunch. He knew he loved her, loved her with all his heart and would be willing to give up the world itself to be with her.

His new shoes slipped and slid against the gymnasium floor as he scrambled to catch up to her. He followed as she slipped through the doorways and into the dark halls.

He followed without a bat of an eyelash.

"Aisling! Aisling wait!" He finally cried in desperation, his breath diminishing. Aisling whipped around, her crimson dress and curly black hair spinning in a circle. Her hazel eyes lightened slightly as she saw who called her.

He skidded to a halt right in front of her and instinctively ran his fingers through his overly gelled blonde hair. Jasper had to look the part for her, he had to.

"Listen..." He trailed off for a moment, breathing heavily as he regretted running. Now was not the time for an asthma attack. "Listen I've been meaning to talk to you."

She raised an eyebrow as she silently gestured for him to continue. Jasper's heart sunk a little since she didn't speak, but she would have to soon. Right?

"I... I know this is our senior year and you may not know me that well. But I know you, I see you all the time, walking through these halls without a care in the world and how even as you are the most beautiful girl I know, no one talks to you or even tries to know you. I don't get it but I want to change it. So Aisling, would you care to dance with me?" He asked, the words spilling from his mouth before he could even think it through.

Aisling watched this with a neutral expression, the faintest of smiles crossing her lips. As she began to nod and reach for his hand, something grasped onto Jasper's shoulder and yanked him away.

"Dude who the hell are you talking to?" One of his friends, Zander, asked. If he wasn't so furious in that moment, Jasper would've seen the complete concern in Zander's eyes, but it was dismissed as he shoved Zander's hand off of his shoulder.

"I'm asking Aisling to dance and you just completely ruined the moment!" He exclaimed, ignoring the fact that he sounded like a whiney five year old.

Zander looked at him curiously, looking over at where Aisling stood with a blank expression. Looking down at Jasper again, his expression betrayed him as he looked like he was on the verge of flipping out.

"Jasper..." He started slowly. "There isn't anyone there. And since when is there someone named Aisling at this school?" He asked.

Jasper frowned and looked over at Aisling, who just shrugged nonchalantly. "How can you not see her?! She's right there!" He exclaimed, hysteria climbing up his throat. How is that possible? Aisling is a goddess for Christ's sake, not even the blind could miss her!

"Why don't we call your mom and we can talk then." Zander started as he grabbed Jasper by the elbow gently and started to walk back to where the dance was held.

Aisling still stood there with a sad look on her face. Jasper yanked his arm away from Zander and ran back to Aisling, not believing any of this crap.

"Come on, Aisling. Let's-" He started as he went to grab her hand. But his hand just went right through her skin. He frowned and tried again, but once more, his hands went through her like she was made of mist.

He stared at Aisling with wide eyes, ignoring the fact that Zander was calling his mom. Aisling just continued to look at him with a soft smile.

"It's going to be okay. As long as you see me, I'll be here for you. Don't let them take me away." She whispered, stepping as close as she dared. He gaped at her, her voice sounded like a thousand angels harmonizing.

If he could touch her, he would've stroked her cheek as he whispered, "I won't ever leave."


"They're staring again." Aisling murmured. Jasper lifted his chin to see that the nurses were whispering to one another while glancing at the couple.

He smiled at her and she smiled back. "Don't worry about them, they don't get it." He whispered, reaching to grasp her hand.

But once more, they made no connection.

He just had to love her hard enough. That was it, just love her enough and he'll finally be happy.

And maybe everyone would finally see her.

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