Little More Than Perfection

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Little More Than Perfection by imposis3xuality

Have you ever been obsessed with your looks? Decided you didn't look good enough? Scream and yell and cry at yourself for not being perfect? For not looking like other girls? That anger and sadness building and digging a pit down to your insides, molded from your tears and sharp anger you pierced yourself with?

Drew has. It was all she ever thoughts about. All she ever was. All that destroyed her and consumed her into she became so twisted and mangled in her own thoughts and obsessions she lost sight of herself. Tripped and fell so many times, she forgot how to stand. With a one-track mind, she crashed and fell and burned.

And left behind remains of her mistakes; razors and scissors and alcohol and tape that she binded to the mirror and rocks she threw at it, too involved with her looks she forgot the price. The price of it all, sometimes that she never remembered.

Something she always wanted to forget.

With a razor and some blood that colored her skin, she paid the dollars with her own relieved pain. With makeup that was littering her room a 'smile,' she tried to look as pretty as possible. Her father, who was in too busy, didn't notice.
She was torn between hating it and loving it. But Drew was torn between too many things, so she ignored it. Applying the last of her cherry-red lipstick, she puckered in the mirror and frowned. Wasn't this supposed to be new? She didn't feel pretty.

Her lips looked chapped and a bigger than needed; there was pores growing on her forehead; her cheeks looked half starved and flat; her eyes looked bland and eyelashes small; her nose covered with small black spots . "Damn it, Drew," she snapped at herself, stomping away from the mirror from frustration, stabbing insults at her mind.
Because, maybe, if she hurt herself more, new, perfect her would shine more. And the harder she would hurt herself, the more perfect she would be.

Pocketing her lipstick, she sucked in her breath and let it out as she left the bathroom of her school, trying to seem as perfect as expected, her posture high and giving off a little smirk. She looked bitchy? Good, she thought to herself, they didn't have to know about her obsession.

Walking to her locker, she passed to Sadie, who was also popular but for all of the wrong reasons, equal of a bitch to Drew as Drew was to her. With blonde hair she highlighted purple and the combat boots with a sassy and sarcastic personality, she was easily liked by many of the student population. By Drew herself? Not so much.

What an understatement. Sadie always found a way to insult Drew and her back. Their 'followers' were no different to each other and it was a war.

And Drew was sick of it, but what could you do? It was pointless to continue but more pointless to end. So she just smiled twistedly, and commented, "Go back under the bed, Sadie, that's where monsters belong."

"Oh, don't worry!" Sadie commented just as ruthlessly. "Aren't you the one that looks like one?" she smiled sarcastically. "I heard you were born in a highway; where most accidents happen."

It was a knife. A knife that aimed and hit as a mistake; but hit the hardest, down deep personal. Feeling like she was going to choke, Drew let out a little breath and flipped her hair. "Sweetie, I'm actually surprised you can hear through that thick head! But, no worries, there's still all that shit that comes out of it." With that, she walked away, her high heels clanking against the tiles of the school floor loudly.

She was good at lying.

She was even better at acting.

She acted so much and so well, she fooled nearly everyone into hating her.

Caution: Heartbreak AheadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin