Christmas Wishes Always Come True

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Christmas Wishes Always Come True by jungle321jungle

"Will you be back in time?" She asks him as she stares in to the web cam.

He gives her a simple smile. "Course. I could never miss Christmas. Plus do you think I want to be out here when I could be home with the both of you? Where is he anyway?"

"It took me an hour to put him to bed. Sorry but I'm not waking up. But he misses you. I miss you too."

"I miss you too wise girl. But I'll be back soon. I sw-"

"Jackson. We're heading out!"

He sighs before he gives his wife a smile. "Love you."

Annabeth nods with a smile. "Love you too." She watches as he disconnects the web cam. Her smile melts into a frown a she glances at the date. Only two and half weeks till Christmas. He better be back in time.

Her eyes drift to a photo of the two of them holding their little baby boy in between them.

Why did he have to be drafted?

He had been through two wars as a demigod and then he was drafted to fight as a mortal. Fighting other people rather than monsters.

She knew it hurt him.

She could see it in his eyes whenever he skyped. She could hear it in his voice when called. She could pick it out from his letters. It hurt him not to be there with them. He had only spent a year with his only son before he was whisked off across the ocean. Annabeth wasn't even quite sure where anymore.

And now despite his assurances she doubts he will be back for Christmas. Rather he would be off engaged in combat rather than taking a video of his son opening his presents. He'd be listening to the sound of bombs and gunfire instead of Christmas carols.

Annabeth wipes her face to find tears. She stands and makes her way to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. Sleep only brought demigod dreams of what could happen to her husband.

Coffee in hand she walks in her son's room to see Luke was still sleeping peacefully.

Someday at Christmas men won't be boys

I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love

Playing with bombs like kids play with toys

Even more than I usually do

One warm December our hearts will see

And although I know it's a long road back

A world where men are free

I promise you

I'll be home for Christmas

"Talkin' to that wife of yours again Jackson?"

Percy nods as he climbs in the back of the truck.

"If I had a wife who looked like yours I would too," Mike Peterson smiles.

"You act like you could even talk to a girl."

"He's got you there," Johnson chuckles. "So what's the topic this time? What did your amazing son do now?"

Percy rolls his eyes. "He slept. Annabeth was asking if I'll be back for Christmas."

"Course we will," Mike smiles.

"We will," Duke Reed assures. "I got someone to propose to."

"Are we invited to your wedding?" Kayla Mason asks.

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