"WHY DID YOU WAIT SO DAMN LONG ZAYN?! YOU WAITED A YEAR AND A HALF! IT'S TO FUCKEN LATE ZAYN! I MOVED ON!" I yelled right back at him. He was standing in the corner across from me on the bed. He didn't say anything just looked at me. Then I saw a single tear escape his eye. I got up from the bed and walked over to him. I lifted my hand up to his cheek and wiped the tear away. I stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He  wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me closer to him. I heard him start to cry into my hair.

" Z, please don't cry." I said but it came out muffled cause i was crying myself. I pulled away from our hug and kept my hands on his shoulders. At the same time he lifted out hands and wiped away each others tears.

" Zayn, you have to move on. It's for the best." I said then wiped away some of his tears.

"I don't want to."

" You have to, Z. It is for the best, I promise." I held out my pinkie and he wrapped his around it.

I walked away from Zayn over to my desk. I grabbed my phone and keys. I opened my bedroom door and started to walk out nut Zayn stopped me.

"where are you going?" he grabbed my arm so I couldn't leave.

"Don't worry.  I wont do anything stupid." i said then pulled out of his grip and walked down the stairs. i looked over at the table only to be greeted by worried and concerned stares. I ignored them and walked towards the front door. 

"Where you going babe?" i heard Niall ask.

"umm just out. I will be back in a hour or two." i sad then walked out and shut the door behind me before I could hear any of them say something back to me.

I got into my car and pulled out of the drive way. I had no idea where i was going, I just drove. I ended up at Starbucks, the one I work at. But when I tryed to get out of the car, i couldnt move. I leaned my forehead against the stirring wheel. Then I just let go and let the tears fall.

Everything is all messed up.

The boys are leaving tomorrow for almost an entire year.

Zayn still has feelings for me and regrets our past. 

Everyone is leaving me.

I was crying so hard that i started to fell dizzy. I heard my car door open and my name being shouted over and over again. Then I hyperventilated and everything went blank.


 I felt something wet make contact with my cheek. Then again. I opened my eyes to see who it was licking me.

"What the hell- oh my god Dash!!! I missed you baby!" I said then gave the dog kisses and huge hug as he kept licking my face. wait, if Dash was here, that means I am...

"Dash! Where's Ed? Go find Ed, baby!" I told him then I jumped out of the bed I was in, which I recognized as Ed's. I followed Dash down the stairs and into the kitchen, where I saw Ed at the fridge.

"Thank you Ed." I said and he turned around and gave me a smile.

"You alright , Love?" he asked and he walked over to me and handed me a water bottle.

"yeah, Thanks. But, how did you find me?" I sat down on the chair and the counter and looked at him in the eyes.

"I was going to Starbucks when I pulled into the parking lot I saw your car. And then i saw you in the car, so I decided to go talk to you. But when I went to you car I saw that you were crying. I tried to get you to calm down but I couldn't so I put you in my car and drove you here so you could maybe calm down. Plus, I knew you wanted to see Dash. He has missed you." He said. i looked down at Dash who was siting right at my feet. I bent down and gave him a small pat on the head.

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