Chapter 20

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"Mark!" The woman gasps, running over to him. She picks up his wrist, checking for a pulse, then drops it. "He-he's dead."

The Doctor whips around, yanking on the chains on my wrists, causing me to momentarily lose my balance. "He said he saw something," the Doctor says.

"Excuse me, but I didn't hear myself asking for your advise," the woman glares.

"A man just died! If I were you, I'd be taking anyone's advice," Clara says.

"Well no offense, but I don't want anything from you, your dorky boyfriend, or the little girl you're babysitting."

"I'm sorry, time out," I say, losing my patience, "How old do you think I am?!"

"Obviously not old enough to know when to keep quiet!"

"Look, I don't know if you've realized, but we could all be in danger," The Doctor starts, "He said he saw something coming closer to us, and then within seconds he died. I know very few things that can do that, so, and you don't even have to listen to me, I suggest that if you want to live, we get out of this area." He stands there with his arms crossed (well, as well as you can while being chained to other people) tapping his foot.

She stares at him, then says, "Fine! We go back to the ship, then leave. Obviously, there's something here, and the distress callers are probably long gone." The woman starts marching forward, I assume leading us to her ship. We trail behind in silence.


After a few minutes, the ship comes into view. We're forced into a (I'm assuming) small containment cell and locked up. "Hey-hey wait a second, what was your name?" I ask the man who locked us up.

"Oh...well, Steve," he says.

"So, oh-well-Steve, why exactly did you guys come here?"

"Well, there was this distress call that we got, probably a few weeks back. All it said was 'please help us' and coordinates. A rescue party was sent out, but they never made it back. And, uh, they didn't send a message or anything. So they sent another rescue party, same thing happened. Then they sent us." He stutters.

"That's great. No, wait! That's not great. Where are you taking us?" I ask.

"I don't really know...all I do know is it's not good."

"But we didn't even do anything wrong!" I protest.

"Sorry, they're not my rules," he says, walking away. After I'm sure he's out of the room, I turn to the Doctor, "Are you sure you can't reach your sonic screwdriver? I'm sorta over this whole prisoner thing."

"Yeah, me too," Clara adds.

"Again, handcuffs!" The Doctor says, shaking his wrists.

"Can you at least knock it out of your pocket? I might be able to get it," I say.

"Maybe..." He jumps up and down a few times, and eventually the sonic falls out of his coat pocket and lands on the floor. I kneel down and manage to pick up the sonic screwdriver from behind my back. Alright, now I just need to unlock the handcuffs.

"You know how to use that right?"

"Of course I know how!" I say through clenched teeth. I rotate the screwdriver around (mind you, I'm doing this all behind my back) so that it's pointing at the handcuffs, and they open with a click. I quickly run over to the Doctor and Clara and unlock their handcuffs.

"So...what now?" I ask, tossing the sonic screwdriver back to the Doctor. "We can't exactly casually stroll out of here."

"We could use the element of surprise?" Clara says.

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