6 Pornstache

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Caseys PoV

I had rested my head on the thin pillow as I indulged into a book as dinner would start within half an hour.

Leaping out my bed as I slipped on my black boots and tied my hair back. I nodded to Kayla to give her reassurance that I would be ok.

I had made it to the B wing lavatory, as a I heard the crazy Mexican woman in the only closed stall as she spoke obnoxiously in her native language.

Quite frankly, this place had got to her as she prayed that the toilet gods would suck her away and out of this hell hole, to her dismay she carried on screaming to her self.

I pulled my orange bottoms down along with my white undergarments I had sat down on the cold toilet seat. As I had started to pee, Pornstache ( aka officer Mendes) had came in telling everyone it was dinner time.

He gazed  to long at me as his eyes crawled all of my body he had winked and walked away.

I had snapped out of the state of shock I was in and wiped and stood up and flashed the toilet. As I walked towards the sink, I looked at my reflection in the mirror as my hair was in a limp pony and my skin had paled as my eye bags sunk it

I had remembered all the times Kalya world force my to curl my hair saying I would look like a " goddess" I scoffed and my black boots squeaked on the granite blue floors

I turned many corridors until I was face to face with kayla who by the looks of it was scared to death due to my long disappearance

we had entered the que as we picked up the grey plastic tray as Nora plopped some gruesome looking mash with a side of beans and refrigerated meat loaf

I winced at the dull bland food thinking of all the time I had taken day to day food for granted.

Kayla and I slumped into the table where Morello, Chapman and yoga Jones sat. Giving them a sheepish smile as I forcefully shovelled down the odd coloured meat loaf as I wash it down with a cartoon of orange juice

Pornstache glancing at me from the other side of the dinning hall as his eyes roamed all over me. The hair rose of my arms as i shuddered and whispered to the others about my past ordeal

"he does that to every new fresh meat don't sweat it" Piper said gloomily as she grimaced at the thick non moving mash. He had watched her change,no one once reported him

As I only ate a bit of the meat loaf and all my beans seeing they were the most edible and non sticky food on my plate as I threw the remains in the bin.

Kayla has links arms with mine, it was a sense of relief having her with me however I desired LJ's embrace as my warm finger tips traced my tattoo

Around 9 it was count and I plummeted into a deep sleep.
child me and LJ  laughing in the tree house until he fell and blood surrounded him,I heard all the bones of his cracking as his limb tore apart from his body

his eyes turned red as he yelled "this is your fault Casey your the reason why your parents are dead and your the reason why am dying,Kayla will never forgive you she hated you"

until Kayla and my parents came into full view as the shouted and taunting me as I clutched onto my hear block them out.

closing my eyes until black surrounded me as I felt I was falling.
gasping for hair as I sat up immediately ,beads of sweat clung onto my forehead and eyebrows and I was left in a dark cell block praying that i would leave here with Kayla soon.


thanks for reading 


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