2 On The Run

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Casey's Pov

"oh fuck no " I breathed. As I loaded my gun me and Kayla ran for our lives.
A bright light glared down at me and Kayla. Fuck helicopters.

As I swivelled and ducked branches and Kayla hot on my trial behind me. A branch has hit me right on the forehead , I flinched in pain. Helicopters flashing lights and the speakers shouted " stop and drop with your hands up",we upped are pace.

I look back at Kayla who has tears streaming down her face. As I apologised to Kayla we made it at the side of the high way.

Bullets were flying,as I ducked behind multiple SUVS and many cars.  I had gripped Kayla's and ran through traffic,
6 police cars had cornered us Kayla had jumped over a police car.

As we continued to run around cars dodging the police as many people ducked down in the cars as I shot back at the police. Still the helicopter circled around the area.

Blood tricked down my forehead as I had cut my forehead back at the woods, Kayla had clear exhaust on her face but we never stopped running for our lives.

I handed my second gun that was concealed under my shirt just above my butt and threw it at Kayla as she began shooting towards the cops. The high I got from all this adrenaline, I must admit I always loved danger and also hated it at the same time.

Bullets had missed many times as only one grazed on arm as blood oozed, down my fingers staining my clothes as my blood dripped down on the road.

"we need to keep fucking running they  will keep shooting " - screamed Kayla with a face of terror on her face as we hear more sirens coming our way and two Helicopters closing in on us.

The adrenaline had faded, my heart sank as the high was over, my desire for needing feeling of accomplishment. I craved attention. Mother always said i would "grow out of it", my eye averted to a high pitched scream from Kayla snapping me back to reality.  

The bullet had lodged into Kayla's thigh as she dropped to the floor. Kayla has been shot, tears fell down my eyes as I dropped  down to my knees and out pressure on her right thigh.

Bright blood had began to spill vigorously out of her thigh.  Slowing realising what I had got Kayla into and she needed a hospital. Professional help not just  by me holding down on her thigh praying that all of this didn't happen.

Everything has slowed down around me,I looked into Kayla's eyes wishing she knew how sorry I was. She has gripped her side in pain,the last time I saw her in this much pain was 3rd grade.When she was pushed off the climbing frame by another kid and she broke her arm.I hated seeing Kayla in pain, it's agonising.

Then a cop had arrived pointing a gun at me."put you hands on the air were I can see them" the African American male cop shouted. I refused still pressing on to Kayla's wound, tears threatened to leave my eyes I wouldn't bare the thought of leaving Kayla.He had floored me and cuffed me. Face down on my chest as I looked up at Kayla who was on a hospital stretcher and cuffed who was screaming in pain, I mouthed sorry as I was dragged away.

The ambulance had transported Kayla away. Two make cops had dragged me into the police van where they had put me in four piece cuffs and two armed guards sat in the van with me.

As all memories of my childhood and my life flashed before me. I tilted my head back thinking about my dead mother and father, the boy next door who I fell in love with,I would be the first and youngest woman along with Kayla to rob a bank successfully. As tears run down my face I looked down at my cuffed wrist that was covered in my own blood from the bullet that grazed me.

Who knew Kayla Kennedy and Casey Coleman could pull of elaborate heist of the biggest bank in Chicago, Illinois. A smirk creeped up my face knowing I would see Kayla again but behind bars in a women's maximum security prison with 25 years to life in prison.

I looked down at my black doc martins as tears drop down on the shoe. My mental health is spiralling out of control. I look at all my tattoos on my arms I had got a few months ago,they were mostly meaningful or had dates in Roman numbers .I had one special tattoo that me and the boy next door shared

As the van passes many buildings knowing this is the last time I would see the outside world.

btw Kayla and Casey are 18
hope you like the second chapter.
what will happen to the two girls ?
will Casey break down completely ?
- btw @bieberace wrote this chapter 😘

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