Chapter 13

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 Phto of Li's dress on the side------------------------------------->

Li’s POV:

Fifteen minutes later we arrived at… a beautiful restaurant, the outside was covered in bright shining lights. It looked like the one where everything even the water costs a $100.

 I turned to Justin, he looked so handsome…”There is NO way that I'm going in there, Justin!” I said as he opened the car door.

“What, don’t you like it?” he asked worriedly.

 I laughed “no, it’s beautiful but its wayyyyy too expensive!”I said still refusing to get out of the car.

He smirked and said “too bad, your just gonna have to deal with it! Besides, I'm paying” I was about to protest but he picked me up from the car seat bridle style.

 I squirmed in his arms giggling. “Put me down!” I said still giggling.

“Huh uh” he said as we went through the front door. When we reached a table for two he sat me down on one of the chairs like I was some sort of child. We looked at the menus and the waiter came to take our orders.

“What can I get you two love birds?”He said. I blushed and was about to say something but Justin, once again interrupted me.

 “I will take the spaghetti bolognaise and a coke please” he said smirking.

The waiter wrote it down and then turned to me. “And what would you like?”He said.

“Umm…can I get a glass of water?” I asked.

“Are you sure? You can have ANYTHING you want” he said flirtatiously, seriously…can’t he see that I'm on a date?

“Actually, make that two orders of spaghetti bolognaise” Justin said again with the interrupting. The waiter wrote it down and left.

 “Why did you do that?” I asked crossing my arms.

“Well, it was obvious that you were just going to order water…so I did you a favor and ordered something that you can actually eat!” I laughed.

 I rolled my eyes and said “but do you have any idea how much this costs!?” I said pouting.

 “Yea…any you’re worth every cent…”he said.

AWWWWW! “Li…do you remember that night at the beach when I showed you that house…?” he asked nervously.

 “Yea…but Justin I'm not going back” I said. The food came and we started eating. He had I sad expression on his face that just made me want to hug all his sadness away.

 “But…would you go back…for…me?” he asked hopeful.

 “Justin…I” I started to say but as always, he cut me off! I was starting to get really annoyed.

 “Li…will you be my shawty?” I asked softly looking down. I smiled really wide, all of the bad feelings just went away and I pulled his head up to look at me…I kissed him softly but passionately.

 I felt like a million fireworks had gone off, the spark wasn’t like anything I have ever felt when I kissed my past boyfriends, it was soooo much more.

I broke the kiss and said “does that answer your question?”

He smiled and blushed the deepest shade of red I have ever seen. He then said “I love you…” My heat melted when he said that.

“I love you too…don’t forget that” I said.

He looked at me questioningly. “What do you mean?”He said.

Tell me you love Me (Justin Bieber story)Where stories live. Discover now