Chapter 8: Approval

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Short Chapter!




James and walked hand in hand into his parents home they are all in the backyard sitting at a table under a large red umbrella. They are surrounded by rose bushes and a peaceful water fountain overflowing a koi pond. Rose leads them where her in-laws are sitting. James walks over to his grandmother and gives her a hug. She looked over to him and extended her arms out for a hug. We sat at the table and I braced myself for the questions.

"Alice, I hope that this arrangement works for the both of you

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"Alice, I hope that this arrangement works for the both of you. This is a long tradition in both of our families." She looked over to me as she took a sip of her lemonade. I nod.

"We both hope for it," I patted James's hand resting on his thigh. His eyes looked at me and smiled.

"I am sure we both will get to know more about you as the family grows." His grandmother raises an eyebrow. Oh she wants us to have grandchildren soon I am sure.

"We are going to wait and see." He laughs.

"Alice, what do you want the outcome of this marriage with my grandson." She asked.

I hesitated, "Well. I really hope that this will work out. We just met each other and we have been getting to know each other very well."

Grandma Joy kept asking me questions one after the other until she was satisfied with the answers. I kept my cool as she bombarded with each question. I understand she likes to ask questions just like my grandmother but she is a nosey one. Rose and Joy excuse themselves to the kitchen to "get more lemonade" as they both said. They are probably talking about me. 

Grandma Joy kept asking me questions one after the other until she was satisfied with the answers

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Grandma Joy kept asking me questions one after the other until she was satisfied with the answers. I kept my cool as she bombarded with each question. I understand she likes to ask questions just like my grandmother but she is a nosey one. Rose and Joy excuse themselves to the kitchen to "get more lemonade" as they both said. They are probably talking about me.

"I am surprised how calm, cool, and collected you look while getting questioned. I know how she can be with all her questions wanting to know everything." He looked down at our hands still touching. He turned his hand over so our palms are touching. He spread my fingers and intertwined our fingers together. That slight movement filled me with butterflies. I liked the feeling it gave me. Shortly after I met James's grandfather and of course his name is James. He mentioned that I look a lot like his wife when they were in their younger years.

The rest of the day went really well Grandma Joy warmed up to me and we got the approval for us to be together. 


 Soon after we left, James's parents dropped me back at the house and James left to probably meet up with his bed buddy. Those feelings that I had earlier, those butterflies are now dead inside me. This was all for an act from his family.

For all of November it seemed normal everything somewhat went back to normal. I went back to work. It is a little weird for my mom to work again because of the ordeal we went through a couple of weeks ago. Going back to work I had to make a different route going to work and going home instead of going back to my parents home. My route is to go to my house that I share with James.

While at home James is never to be found. So most days I was by myself with the dog. It is rare when he is home but it's only for a short amount of time. Few times James and I would see each other and have some interaction but only when he comes to the house from work showers and would leave to who knows where. James was sticking to his plan not wanting any type of relationship with me. I at least would like to become friends and not make this awkward when we are near each other. Every now and then my mother, Jasmine or my friends would come and visit me. For the most part they come for wedding details. As the wedding was fastly approaching everything was set only several weeks to go. The wedding cake, flowers have been chosen, the wedding venue has been found, the wedding party bridesmaids dresses and groomsmen tux have arrived. And of course my wedding dress has also arrived.

The invitations have been sent out to friends and family. 


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