Chapter 3 - First Day Counts

Start from the beginning

Okay, his name is Snape, Renee thought. It was about quarter 'til six and breakfast was supposed start at half-past seven, so she expected Professor Snape to arrive anytime soon.

Slytherin students started to assemble in the common room. Renee saw her three other roommates coming in together, and a sudden realisation occurred to her: she did not asked their names yet. They weren't particularly concerned about knowing hers either, as they completely ignored her last night. Renee noticed that they weren't with Jamila, so she guessed that they were not that friendly with her as well. Renee presumed that it was probably a common stereotypical Slytherin trait to be either a bully or a stuck-up snob, but then again, she went through worse, so she knew she could definitely handle those twats.

A few minutes later, Jamila showed up alone. Renee brushed past the other students as she made her way towards her, but stopped when she was caught off-guard by the most deep, baritone, velvet-sounding, somewhat gentle yet the most gorgeous voice she ever heard in her entire life.

"Order." he commanded, loud enough for everybody to hear, and immediately caused the noise-filled common room to grow silent.

Very discreetly, Renee turned around to face the entrance of the common room and saw Professor Snape. She was instantly intimidated upon seeing him standing upright with his arms crossed, eyeing the students one by one, almost glaring at them.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts." Professor Snape said, emphasising every syllable with gentle aggression. "I trust that you, students of the Slytherin house, will aim to prove to be an asset to this institution, and not... a disgrace." he pointed out as all students, especially Renee, held their breaths. She looked at him straight in the eye the whole time, trying not to show any hint of trepidation.

"I'm well aware that all of you here are familiar with the rules and regulations instigated upon this school, therefore I hope you all are diligent enough to comply with them." he said with his velvet-like voice, still eyeing the Slytherins like they were convicts, making Renee shudder a bit.

"The head students and prefects are continually available for inquiry. Should the first years or... newcomers," Professor Snape began. Renee quickly looked away from him the moment all eyes, including the professor's, turned to her, causing her own to look timidly at the floor instead. "..have any concerns, do not hesitate to approach them." he continued. Very slowly, Renee returned to look at him and tried to avoid other people's stares.

"And should any of you, commit a grave mistake as we embark on another year, will be punished... accordingly." Professor Snape said threateningly as he raised an eyebrow, making Renee shiver even more.

With that, he shot a last glare at the students, and for a moment, Renee's eyes seem to have met with Snape's, but his gaze lasted for an instant, and he immediately stormed off the common room with his black cloak billowing behind him.

Well, that was interesting, Renee thought. Snape wasn't the most pleasant man but she guessed that he could be dealt with. The students resumed their abominable chattering, while others left the common room, heading off to the Great Hall. Renee realised that she was just about to do the same, but suddenly recalled that she was looking for Jamila. Her companion was nowhere to be seen, so she left the common room by herself.

After a series going up and down a good number of marble staircases, Renee finally reached the Great Hall. She chose the first table from the left side of the hall and began to eat her breakfast in solitude. She preferred that than having to be all awkward with new people, so she was satisfied for the most part. She was also glad that there were no annoying musical wood nymphs at Hogwarts that would disturb her peace when she'd have to accomplish some reading.

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