I nodded slowly, pulling away from the hug. "Okay...See you tomorrow." Lydia gave my shoulder a comforting pat as Scott began to guide me down the hall with his hand on my back. "Guys, I just still don't understand what happened." I admitted, "It doesn't make any sense. I was so sure. We...we were so sure."

"I don't understand either, Auttie." 

"Yeah, I wasn't much help either." Scott admitted, "Doesn't matter though as long as he's okay." 

Scott and I continued our steps, but quickly stopped when we noticed my sister was no longer next to us. "Lydia?" I turned around to find her looking around the hallway. 

"Lydia, do you hear something?" My best friend asked with a furrowed brow. 

She began walking again, catching up to where we were. "No. I didn't hear anything." 

I hadn't even realized that the noise in my head had stopped, but I could tell that Lydia was lying. She did hear something, and I would bet anything that it was the same thing that I had been hearing moments before. 


"Autumn." A deep voice called out as I stepped out of my car, getting ready to head into the school. 

School was the absolute last place I wanted to be while Stiles was at the hospital, but I didn't really have a choice. I turned around finding none other than sour wolf leaning on my car, "Derek? Why are you here? Are you following us again?" 

He shrugged, "Kind of, I'm here for another reason that doesn't involve you. But, I did wanna check on you, make sure you were okay. How's Stiles?" 

"Still resting, which is good. He needs as much sleep as he can get, but they're gonna be doing tests on him all afternoon, so as soon as school is over I'll be heading that way." My hands dug into my pockets, "Thanks for checking in, it's nice of you." 

He shrugged once more, "It's no problem." 

"Well, I should probably–" 

"There's actually another thing I need to tell you..." Derek interrupted, "It's about Malia." 

My eyes widened, "Oh my God, with everything going on...I completely forgot to go back over there and see her since Scott's dad made me leave the first time. I don't even have her cellphone number, or even know if she has one. Wow, I'm such a horrible friend, I–" 

"You're not a horrible friend, Autumn. You're an amazing friend...trust me. I mean, it's been years since you've seen her, things could be different now–" 

"I thought she was dead, Derek." This time I was the one interrupting, "That's a little different then two friends just going their separate ways." 

He let out a heavy sigh, "Look, I just think you should know that she's not even home anymore. I was walking through the woods and I heard her dad talking to someone...Malia's at Eichen House." 

"W-What? You're joking, right?" 

"No. I didn't come here to upset you, I just thought you should know." 

My hands left my pockets as I crossed my arms, "I can't believe this. I bet Scott's dad had something to do with it, that dick." 

"That dick found your boyfriend last night..." 

I nodded lightly, "Yeah, you're right. If it weren't for him, Stiles may have froze to death. I just, I don't get why she had to go there of all places." 

"Well, it could have something to do with the fact that she was a coyote for a while. Don't really know how that affects a person..." 

"Right, well I'm gonna be late so I better get inside, but before I do I'm curious. What's the main reason why you're here?" 

Shattered • Stiles Stilinski [Two]Where stories live. Discover now