An impending threat

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I looked at her. She teleported me to a roof overlooking the city.
"Um hi!" I said.
"Wait. Your that other twi from canterlot high?" She said.
"How did you know that?" I asked suspiciously.
"Sunset found out you were missing and told me about you." She said slowly.
"Oh sunset..." I tripped over. My words. Then we had a conversation.
"so what brings you here?" Princess Twilight asked.
"I opened a portal." I said.
"oh right you have infused magic." She said. How does she know all this personal Information?
"yes but that's why I'm angry at sunset. Why have friends when I can have magic!" I said.
"magic is not as valuable as friendship." Princess Twilight walked up to me.
if only she knew. I felt all these negative feelings grow inside. Don't let midnight out.
"Sunset had to stop you because that isn't the way. When I first saw you you looked happy." Twilight flew closer to me.
You can't fight me Twilight...
"well I didn't know my friends wouldn't accept me! I wanted knoledge!" I yelled.
"but you need friends!" Twilight cried.
"Sunset wasn't there for me, she nearly killed me!!" I roared as my eyes glowed pink.
That's when I accidentally fell off the roof. I hit the ground and my head started to hurt. I felt like I was changing. Princess twilight flew down to help me. She made an ice pack appear. A pink smoke began to form around me and go into me. I started to choke. I felt midnight pushing out of me. Then in a burst I became midnight sparkle.
Midnight sparkle POV
"Ha ha ha! Your friend is so weak! Thinking she could be free from me!" I bellowed.
"No, twilight! Don't let Midnight be real!" She screamed desperately.
I flew into the sky and started burning buildings. As scared ponies ran in all directions, I felt a blast hit me from behind. It was that pest, Twilight sparkle.
I blasted her hard.
"Twilight I know your in there. You can fight midnight! Just remember friendship!" She pleaded. I was In thought as I was engulfed in a magic blast.
Back to sci twi's POV
"Get away midnight! Ahh!! Leave me alone!"
"Twilight it's ok now." Said princess twilight gently. "You gave me quite a scare"
"What happened?" I asked.
"Well... You almost destroyed me."

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