A Past Memory

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A little girl walked into the 1st grade classroom guided by her mother. She blew her indigo bangs out of her face gently as she made her way to her seat.
"Why don't you introduce your self to the class sweetie?" Said the teacher as her mother left. The new girl stood up bold and walked to the front of the room.
"I'm Twilight sparkle, my parents are rich astronomers and I live in a mansion on crystal hill drive" the girl began as everyone started to whisper. Then magic was released into the world. A dark magic made it's way to little twilight sparkle. It was absorbed into her heart. The love she held shielded her from its dark influence. But eventually it would.
Twilight sparkle was the smartest kid in her class. But she heard the words "teacher's pet", "nerd" and "snob". It went on as twilight's love for others lessened and lessened. One day it was the final straw. One night, twilight was sobbing in her bed.
"One day, they will be sorry they ever messed with me. This world will suffer" she whispered as she cried herself to sleep.

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