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Okay these girl were talking to me in detention? Well I didn't want to be rude so I responded.
"Hi, I'm twi-."
"Twilight sparkle that preppy princess." Snarled the orange haired girl.
"Um Adagio! This is the twilight not from equestria! She could be useful..." The purple one muttered.
"You have a lot of energy radiating from you Twilight, I was wondering if you could help us.." Said Adagio said sweetly.
I liked to help. Maybe this could help me get back on track.
"Why are you guys in detention?" I asked slowly as they bit their lips.
"We wanted attention..." The purple one stated.
"Heh same here." I said as I looked down at my boots.
"Well sunset in a raging fit. Broke our necklaces. She hasn't even been where you have been. She lied just to have a moment." Adagio said blabbering on and on.
They handed me shattered glass like pendants as I studied them. I guess I could pull this off.
"These are beautiful can you make me one?" I asked as adagio's lips curled into a smile.
"Of course just fix them. Hey wanna eat lunch with us?" Adagio asked.
"We can chat!" The blue one said cheerfully.
I smiled. "Okay!"
"We will meet you bestie!" The blue girl sang.
I walked back to my lab to get started. Those girls seemed nice. Maybe I could make friends here. I could also feel a magic energy similar to mine coming from them. Same magic. And they seemed too welcoming. Probably nothing. But sunset? She lied to me about her just to be special. I couldn't believe that. Well she did yell at me. But I wasn't me when I was cuckoo. It's just all to familiar in a way. Once in my lab I got my microscope. I thought of an extremely difficult equation for an hour and a half until finishing. I just learned to fuse it back together. It was a weird fact. I finally finished all three necklaces and returned them to the girls.
"Thank you Twilight! We will get you one." Adagio and her friends nodded as they handed me one.
I felt a rustling in my backpack. It was spike wimperring. He had been doing that all throughout me fixing the necklaces like they would hurt him. I knew they were magic girls but these were just normal necklaces. I got in my moms car and we drove home.

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