A new Romance

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I was done with the necklaces and it was the next day. My first official day at CHS. I dropped spike of at Fluttershy's animal shelter. I had went shopping and got a new outfit decked out in spikes.
Everyone waved to me as I walked in. I still was sitting with those other girls at lunch.
I am a pretty good student in science. Pretty good? No! Try Awesome! I was lab partners with that cute guy. He congratulated me when I won the friendship games. I felt really bad for blowing him off. I guess I never really talked to boys. Plus I was busy. Maybe I could get to know him better. Cause this was the perfect time. I felt my heart flutter in my chest as he walked over with a warm smile. I smiled back.
"Look I'm sorry I blew you off, I was just a bit shy...so can we start over?" I asked shyly.
"I'm sorry I scared you. I'm flash sentry by the way." He said.
We got started on the expirement. He was such a gentleman. He knew almost all his chemicals and the ones he didn't know I corrected him blushing madly. When it was time to go, I had a bit of salt foam on my cheek.
"Here let me get you a napkin." He said as he grabbed one and wiped my cheek. He took a piece of paper and wrote on it. It was his phone number!
"I'll see you around." I said.
At lunch, I sat with those girls. I quickly learned their names. Their band was the dazzlings and they were willing to let me join. I just told them I would sleep on it.
I'm good at a lot of things. But not sports!
I hid in the locker room. The fear was getting to my head. Suddenly a portal to that equestria place sunset talked about opened. I thought, why not. I jumped through and felt my bones rearranging along with my body. The portal spit me out on the other end. Along with an energy blast. I looked around to see colorful equines. And they were socializing! Like people but in a pony style. I looked at my self hoping no one would notice. I had become a unicorn with wings! I had no idea how I could see without my glasses here but apparently I could. I sighed. This would be fun. But then I saw a purple unicorn with wings flying towards me.

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