Hetalia Facts Part THREE

Start from the beginning

28. Russia almost kissed Germany as a greeting because he thought that was what West Europeans did. Germany stopped him, so Russia blew him a kiss instead.

29. Japan, after being hugged and kissed on the cheek by Italy, demanded that he take responsibility for his actions by marrying him.

30. Latvia love poetry and romance novels.

31. Monaco is fond of ballet.

32. Turkey and Netherlands fought over the title "Tulip Country".

33. Wy and TRNC share birthdays.

34. China doesn't like My Little Pony.

35. Hong Kong is a fan of rock. (He is now my favorite ;)..)

36. Norway is a pro at chess. He and Denmark play about everyday.

37. Almost no one can beat England at chess.The only person to beat him was Older Brother, Scotland.

38. America is horrible at boardgames.

39. Japan once tried to make cucumber flavored scones while he was drunk.

40. Belarus loves bands.

41. Latvia is addicted to drama TV shows.

42. Germany kept a plushie toy from Japan.

43. Romano is always tripping over his tomato plants.

44. Austria is good at playing the drums, but never practice because he perfers the piano.

45. Estonia reads poetry because he thinks it is the most emotional type of writing there is.

46. Switzerland was Poland's secret Santa. Liechtenstein helped him pick the present out.

47. Lithuania takes care of Russia's sunflowers because he truly loves gardening.

48. Greece can play the violin. He mostly just play for his cats.

49. Seychelles and Turkey are good friends. She even taught him how to fish with a spear.

50. Romano's second favorite food is chocolate.

51. Even after Romano is all grown up, he still has a crush on Belgium and thinks she is the prettiest woman in the world. He also said he wouldn't mind falling in love with her or marrying her.

52. Romano knows that Italy and Germany have a "strange friendship".

53. Italy ships Romano and Belgium.

54. England is fully aware that his cooking is awful. He still feeds it to them because he thinks their expressions on hilarious.

55. England and Spain still long for the Pirate/Conquistador Era and wish for it to come back.

56. England has regretted only two things in his life. The American Revolutionary War and the Execution of Joan of Arc.

57. England's punk phase emotionally scarred all the nations. America was the most traumatized.

58. England is very close to the Royal Family. He is like a Grandfather to them, even though they know he is an immortal nation.

59. England loves and takes pride of his rainy,dull weather. Other nations find his weather soothing.

60. Canada is a vegetarian.

61. Canada has started fights over hockey. He doesn't know if he should be ashamed or proud.

62. Canada admires Prussia because he was the few people that noticed him.

63. Hungary considers Prussia and Germany as her annoying little brothers .

64. Hungary is confused on her feelings for Austria.

65. Nations used to think Hungary liked Romania since she always started fights with him. However, they soon found out that Hungary truly hated Romania.

66. Hungary considers Italy as a son, but would never say it in fear of the rage from the Roman Family.

67. France is the only nation that has never and will never be scared of Russia.

68. France was deeply in love with Joan and it broke his heart when England, a trusted friend, killed her.
France forgave him though, even without an apology.

69. France sees Spain as a friend, enemy, and brother. As well as England

70. France was the one who told Germany what curls do.

71. Monaco and Seychelles are like daughters to France.

72. France has never hit on Monaco, Seychelles, and Liechtenstein. Actually, the only women he has hit on was Hungary and Belgium.

73. Belarus sings like an angel.

74. France thinks he is everybody's big brother. Since, he is one of the oldest European countries.


Alright! That's it for now! I have more but I don't want to waste them all on one chapter.
Some of these were strange, but whateva!
Anyways, comment, vote, read, and BE HAPPY!


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