Christmas KPOP

341 37 30

Day 5 of Hetalia Christmas

Author-Chan: *in her room, listening to Hello Bi+ches *

*it's quiet as Author-Chan is semi-interested*



Korea: *bust down door*


Author-Chan: *startled and drops phone*

Korea: Whatcha listenin' tooo?

Author-Chan: KP-

Korea: Hey! Can I feel your breast?

Author-Chan: Uh, Newl!


Korea: Wanna feel my breast?

Author-Chan: You don't have breast.

Korea: Breast was invented in Korea.

Author-Chan: Uh, nooo. Humans-

Korea: Humans were invented in Korea.

Author-Chan: Korea-

Korea: Korea was invented in Korea.

Author-Chan: :/

Korea: Whassup?

Author-Chan: listening to music

Korea: Music was invented in Korea.

Author-Chan: Nu-

Korea: *starts telling Author-Chan what was invented in Korea*

Korea: This Chapter was invented in Korea.

Author-Chan: :-| You just broke the Fourth Wall.

Korea: The Fourth Wall was-

Author-Chan: Yeah, yeah, invented in Korea.

Korea: Nu. I was going to say that the Fourth Wall has been countless of other Authors.

Author-Chan: Oh...well-

Korea: Wells were invented in Korea.

Author-Chan: *sighs* Okai, can I just go back to my KPOP, K-

Korea: KPOP was invented in Korea

Author-Chan: That's...actually...the truth.

Korea: The truth was invented in Korea.

Author-Chan: So, you're telling me that everything is invented in Korea.

Korea: The truth will set you free *does majestic bird calls*

Author-Chan: Everything?

Korea: Yeppers! Well, except Fireworks...Hong Kong beat us to that...*insert sad Korean face*

Author-Chan: :-/

Hong Kong: This literally has nothing to do with Christmas. :-|


Hong Kong: Leggo get some pizza!

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