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Author: *crying*

America: Author, why are you crying?

Author: Because-I-I have to go to school soon. WAHH!

America: Hey, I never knew this, but what grade are you going in?


America:Ohhh, that must suck going to school!

Author: Yeah....and so do you!

America: What? What do I have to do about this?

Author: Because it's your fault! If America had better school schedules, I wouldn't be in this depression.

America: Well don't blame me! Blame Thomas Jefferson! He wanted school. All I wanted was freedom!

Author: Well maybe you could have freedom without the school part! *hisses*

America: :-| I don't control the people. That's like the opposite of what I stand for!

Author: Well maybe you need to sit for awhile!

America: *frowns and walks away* I'm leaving! You should be grateful you get to go to school and be a mortal and eat hamburgers and not have to worry about getting fat - *starts ranting while walking away*

Author: *stops crying and looks at the mirror* Sooo, guys as you can tell, I'm going to be going back to school. Yayyy! Actually, I am a bit excited.( I usually like school cause of all of my friends and social events. ) Still I won't be able to update as much and that saddened me cause I like writing for you guys. I will try to update on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays Every other day, I'm studying, doing some sport/social event or doing homework. (The weekends are when I'm not busy) Anyways, that's about it...and Happy Readings?

Happy Readings!

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