A Rekindling Brotherhood

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"Vhat do jou mean?!" I screeched, slamming my hands on the desk. Germany flinched from the sound. "Bruder it vas zhe only vay zhat zhe var could be finished vithout hurting anyone," he reasoned calmly. I scoffed bitterly. "Jou mean zhat jou didn't get hurt." "V-vhat? Zhat is not vhat I mea-" "Nien! Zhat iz exzactly vhat jou meant. I-i raised jou und zhis iz zhe zhanks I get?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed and my mouth pulled in a foul scowl. He sighed, frustrated with me. 'Good' I thought maliciously. "Bruder, you're overreacting." My eyes widened with a heated glare. "Me? Me?! I'm overreacting!" My voice had gotten even louder and I clenched my fist to keep from lashing out. "Ja, you are. You vill zill be alive and immortal." He stated, his voice cold. "Vhat's zhe point of being immortal vhen jou have nothing anymore?!" I shouted, outraged at the fact that my own little brother didn't care about me. "Brude-" Germany started but i quickly interrupted. "Germany, i'm not a nation anymore! I'm dissolved!" "Ja, I know, but it's zhe good of zhe land, bezides, I didn't have a choice. America forced me too." I froze with shock. 'America? The United States? That American? I-it can't be, no it's impossible' I shook my head so fast, I thought it would fall off. "N-no, zhat's impossible!" "It iz, look," Germany said while grabbing the treaty and handing it to me. My hands trembled while I unrolled the paper. One look at it, and my denial went away. On it had Germany's signature as well as America's. It stated that Prussia would be erased from history and that Prussia and Germany will merge into one nation. Germany being the West and Prussia being the East. My hands shook violently and I grabbed on to the treaty as if it was my lifeline. "I'm zorry, big bruder. But now it's over and Europe zhanks you because of your zacrifice," he said softly, cautiously taking the paper out of my hands. He put the treaty in a briefcase and turned around and walked towards the door. "I vill come and pick you up zo ve can get you zettled, tomorrow, " he said and walked out, closing the door quietly. For a few minutes it was quiet and so still. I barely breathed and I was frozen in place. And suddenly, I snapped. I pushed everything off the desk and rammed into it, causing it to fall with a loud clang. I ripped everything off the walls, even the wallpaper. I smashed the lights and tore up the rug. I grabbed the chairs and smashed them into the walls, making cracking sounds and dents in the walls. I was on a rampage, destroying anything that I could get my hands on. However, I soon ran out of things to demolish. I panted quickly and harshly. I wanted to smash something, anything. Impulsively, I punched the wall so hard that I made a hole in it. I screamed. Out of anger? Out of pain? I don't know. Every emotion was rushing to me. I screamed until my voice had left me. I pulled my hand out of the hole and winced when I wiggled my fingers. Still holding my hand, I collasped on the ground. The anger gone, I stared at the floor. 'Why is it always me? Why do I have the most sorrow. What could I have possibly done for this much pain? No other nation feels as much pain as I do. Why? Why, Mien Gott?!' I let out a tiny whimper. 'I have already lost so much and now I lost the one thing I loved the most. My people, my culture..' I let out a gasp,"My Everything, " I whispered painfully. Quietly, a drop fell to the ground. "Huh?" I grunted. Soon, another drop fell to the ground and soon there was a storm of them. It looked like a tiny rainstorm and if i wasn't in so much pain, I would've smiled. 'I always did like the rain. I especially liked to dance in it. I used to worry Austria and Hungary to death. They told me that a little boy shouldn't go out. That I could get a cold' My vision started to get blurry. 'A-am I crying?' I thought as I touched my wet cheek. 'I am. I am crying. I haven't cried since Holy Roman Empire's disappearance and that was like the nine hundreds' I wiped my ruby red eyes, trying to stop the tears. However, it just made it worst and I started sobbing. I harshly raked my porcelain fingers in my white snowy hair and gritted my teeth, trying to quieten down but failed. My shoulders violently shook and my head throbbed. I cried like never before. I cried for myself, for my brother, for the world. The sorrow and pain that had been pent up for centuries was finally exploding. And it hurt. My head was spinning and my heart was burning and it stung tortuously. The unfamiliar feeling was so powerful that I bended my back till my head was hovering over the floor. I clenched my eyes close and cradled my head with my battle-worn hands. Soon, I was starting to quieten down and was dry-heaving. My pants stopped and my tears were drying. I let out a shaky breath after I had calmed down. I stayed in that position for a bit before getting up on unsteady legs. I carefully walked to the door and left the room that gave me a nasty feeling in my stomach, somehow.
After that, everything was a blur. I remember seeing the allies. I remember France saying sorry and feeling betrayed. I definitely recall punching America in the face while shouting at him that I should have never trained him. I remember England and Germany trying to get me off of him. But that's about it. Everything else just felt like a dream, well, more like a bunch of hallucinations. It felt like I was in a haze, like I was on some kind of loopy gas. I do remember the day after though. It was quiet and Germany and I barely spoke to each other. I would only talk when necessary and Germany only talked to Italy. 'Typical'
"Bruder, ve're here," Germany said gruffly. He went to help me get my bags. "Jou don't have to, bruder," I said quietly. He was obviously shocked. 'Why wouldn't he be? It's the first time I had actually spoken a full sentence today' "N-no, it's okay, let me, please," he pleaded, trying to keep me talking. I sighed, almost inaudible. "Fine, " I agreed, a bit reluctantly. He nodded and went to get my bags with Italy trailing behind him. I walked to the door and slowly put the key in. After that, I walked in the modest German house. "Bruder!" I turned around to see 'Vest' come in the already open front door. "Ja," I said lazily. "You vill be living here. You vill be down in zhe bazement." He stated while going down the stairs to my "room". I opened my mouth to argue about my living arrangements but when I realized that he wouldn't hear me, I shut it. I followed him down, wanting to settle and be left alone. "Okay, here you go," Germany said, gently putting down my heavy suitcases while Italy clumsily dropped my pillows on the bed. 'Good thing it was just pillows' I snorted mentally. "Bruder, are you okay vith zhis?" Germany looked at me kindly, his old self showing. 'Now that is my strict, kind little bro' I let out a small smile and shrugged. "Ja, it's fine. It might take zome time but Gilbird and I vill like it," I assured while nuzzling my little bird's head. Germany still wasn't sure. "Y-you're sure?" I let out a little chuckle. "Yep, i'm sure." Germany glanced at the bubbly Italian and then back at me. He inhaled sharply, "O-okay," he trailed off. "O-okay," I mocked him by making my voice deeper and more Germany-y. "Hey-" "Hi to ya to," I cut him off," now..get out of my room." I whined while making a shooing gesture. Germany sighed but obliged. He grabbed Italy's arm and walked out but gave me a small smile. "Zee you at dinner," he said, closing the door. "Zee ja at dinner," I said back, with my own small smile. 'Maybe this might work out'

Hey, hey, hey! This took some time to plan out. I wanted to show you guys that Prussia is not all egoistic and can have a breakdown time to time. Also, I believe that when he found out about being dissolved and America (and the allies) being the reason why he got dissolved, he went on a rampage. Also, since a lot of Germanic empires disappeared, I think that Prussia has lost a lot of siblings. (Just a personal headcannon)
This was inspired when I was listening to
Mien Gott, his character song.
Anyways Hope you like it and Happy Readings!
History Lesson: America (along with the allies, but mostly America) forced the Germans to agree to a treaty stating that Prussia (already being ruled by Germany) is to be erased from history and the map. (I forgot why, but I do remember that^)

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